Here is a start maybe, I was just testing all of the HFS variants for
fun. I will write up a test case later tonight when I am out done
with work.
# Test git behavior on OSX's multitudes of HFS types
# So far UFS, HFS, HFS+, HFSX, HFS+J, UFS is the only sane FS
echo "Creating 100M UFS ramdisk for clone operation."
rawdev=`hdid -nomount ram://102400`
newfs $rawdev > /dev/null 2>&1
mkdir $ramdiskdir > /dev/null 2>&1
mount -t ufs $rawdev $ramdiskdir > /dev/null 2>&1
cd $ramdiskdir && git clone $cloneurl > /dev/null 2>&1
cd $ramdiskdir/git
if [ -f $results ] ; then
echo "Removing old results."
rm $results
echo "Creating HFS image"
hdiutil create -size 50m -fs HFS -attach -volname "hfs" /tmp/hfs.dmg
> /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Creating HFS+ image"
hdiutil create -size 50m -fs HFS+ -attach -volname "hfsplus" /tmp/
hfsplus.d > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Creating HFS+J image"
hdiutil create -size 50m -fs HFS+J -attach -volname "hfsplusJ" /tmp/
hfsplusjournal.dmg > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Creating HFSX image"
hdiutil create -size 50m -fs HFSX -attach -volname "hfsx" /tmp/
hfsx.dmg > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Creating UFS image"
hdiutil create -size 50m -fs UFS -attach -volname "hfsu" /tmp/hfsu.dmg
> /dev/null 2>&1
for x in `ls -d /Volumes/hfs*`;do
echo "Testing $x clone."
echo "Results for $x:" >> $results
(echo "-- git clone results --" && cd ${x} && /usr/bin/time git
clone $ramdiskdir/git) >> $results 2>&1
(echo "-- git status results --" && cd ${x}/git && /usr/bin/time
git status) >> $results 2>&1
cd ${x} && perl -CO -e 'print pack("U",0x00E4)."\n"' | xargs touch
# umlauted a
cd ${x} && perl -CO -e 'print pack("U",0x0061).pack("U",
0x0308)."\n"' | xargs touch # umlauted a by combining diareses
ls -d ${x}/* | xxd >> $results
cd && hdiutil eject ${x} > /dev/null 2>&1
# cleanup
cd $HOME
umount -f $ramdiskdir > /dev/null 2>&1
hdiutil detach $rawdev > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -Rf $ramdiskdir /tmp/hfs*.dmg
more $results
My results on leopard:
$ cat /tmp/fsresults
Results for /Volumes/hfs:
-- git clone results --
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-06100ef5fbd98d07358505696e2e0c5600a9b279.pack: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-06100ef5fbd98d07358505696e2e0c5600a9b279.idx: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-401a5ae571eb23ec896d7e441deae4e313d0de9c.pack: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/pack-
ab8844b63fcb4fc5896e9d75b0d10c566d5ce5bb.pack: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/pack-
ab8844b63fcb4fc5896e9d75b0d10c566d5ce5bb.idx: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-9ffbf58084280a496aef6849fe3effe742a99d77.pack: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-9ffbf58084280a496aef6849fe3effe742a99d77.idx: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/pack/
pack-401a5ae571eb23ec896d7e441deae4e313d0de9c.idx: Invalid argument
cpio: Unable to create /Volumes/hfs/git/.git/objects/
03/4ee24912da0a700ba27109825710fd84d64591: Invalid argument
0.20 real 0.02 user 0.05 sys
-- git status results -- line 39: cd: /Volumes/hfs/git: No such file or directory
0000000: 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 2f61 cc88 /Volumes/hfs/a..
0000010: 0a .
Results for /Volumes/hfsplus:
-- git clone results --
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/hfsplus/git/.git/
2.56 real 0.47 user 0.94 sys
-- git status results --
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# gitweb/test/Märchen
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
0.46 real 0.27 user 0.08 sys
0000000: 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 706c 7573 /Volumes/hfsplus
0000010: 2f61 cc88 0a2f 566f 6c75 6d65 732f 6866 /a.../Volumes/hf
0000020: 7370 6c75 732f 6769 740a splus/git.
Results for /Volumes/hfsplusJ:
-- git clone results --
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/hfsplusJ/git/.git/
2.29 real 0.45 user 0.91 sys
-- git status results --
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# gitweb/test/Märchen
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
0.57 real 0.31 user 0.10 sys
0000000: 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 706c 7573 /Volumes/hfsplus
0000010: 4a2f 61cc 880a 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 J/a.../Volumes/h
0000020: 6673 706c 7573 4a2f 6769 740a fsplusJ/git.
Results for /Volumes/hfsu:
-- git clone results --
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/hfsu/git/.git/
5.08 real 0.48 user 0.94 sys
-- git status results --
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
0.26 real 0.20 user 0.05 sys
0000000: 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 752f 61cc /Volumes/hfsu/a.
0000010: 880a 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 752f ../Volumes/hfsu/
0000020: 6769 740a 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 git./Volumes/hfs
0000030: 752f c3a4 0a u/...
Results for /Volumes/hfsx:
-- git clone results --
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/hfsx/git/.git/
2.49 real 0.46 user 0.88 sys
-- git status results --
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# gitweb/test/Märchen
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to
0.25 real 0.20 user 0.04 sys
0000000: 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 782f 61cc /Volumes/hfsx/a.
0000010: 880a 2f56 6f6c 756d 6573 2f68 6673 782f ../Volumes/hfsx/
0000020: 6769 740a git.
On Jan 24, 2008, at 12:39 AM, Steffen Prohaska wrote:
On Jan 24, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
On Jan 23, 2008, at 11:37 PM, Martin Langhoff wrote:
Kevin, other people have already started posting nice nuggets of
cases. Where are *your* test cases? That would be a nice way to
the last word" on this ;-)
I'm planning on devoting time this weekend to learning enough about
git to be able to start hacking. I'm just too busy during the week
to be able to devote the dedicated time necessary to this stuff.
Hopefully I'll actually be able to start producing stuff this
You do not need to learn much about git to post a test case.
Only a few lines of shell code that demonstrate how git fails to
handle a specific situation is needed. To do this, knowledge
about the internals of git does not necessary help. It should be
sufficient to know how to use git.
You may start with a simple shell script and send it to the list.
Though, a real patch would be the preferred way. For this, you
should have a quick look into the t/ subdirectory. Just open any
of the tNUMBER*.sh files. It should be quite obvious how your
sequence of shell commands could be cast into a git test script.
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