In the message hook, just grep if the template was already added. If it
was, just return. If it was not, add it.
Ah, so you want me to always type ":q!" to exit and unnecessarily
complicate the commit-msg hook. Cunning, but no, thanks.
I'll make an example. This is my prepare-commit-msg hook:
diff_collect_changelog ()
git diff "$@" -- \
`git diff "$@" --name-status -r | \
awk '/ChangeLog/ { print substr ($0, 3) }'` | sed -n \
-e '/^@@/,/^+/ {' \
-e ' s/^ //p' \
-e ' t' \
-e '}' \
-e '/^diff/,/^@@/ {' \
-e ' s/^diff --git a\/\(.*\)\/ChangeLog[^ ]* b\/.*/\1:/p' \
-e ' tdummy' \
-e ' :dummy' \
-e ' d' \
-e '}' \
-e 's/^+//p' \
-e 't'
diff_collect_changelog --cached > /tmp/foo$$
cat "$GIT_COMMIT_MSG" >> /tmp/foo$$ && \
mv /tmp/foo$$ "$GIT_COMMIT_MSG"
rm -f /tmp/foo$$
or something like that. The alternative I see would be to start the vi
editing session with "!!make_changelog --cached". So I thought about
having an hook that runs the command for me. Do you have better ideas?
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