Latest output, log file attached: paulumbers@Devteam29 ~/workspace/git/git-1.5.3 $ uname -a > somefile paulumbers@Devteam29 ~/workspace/git/git-1.5.3 $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in .git/ paulumbers@Devteam29 ~/workspace/git/git-1.5.3 $ strace -o log -f -m syscall ./git --exec-path=$(pwd) add somefile paulumbers@Devteam29 ~/workspace/git/git-1.5.3 $ git ls-files -s somefile 100644 2ed63d326ffdb2fd4b703780f4d61f1893cac63b 0 somefile Checking .git/objects/2e ... there is no sha1 file > > Ok, since you managed to compile it, could you please try to strace > git-add? Cygwins strace is a bit unusual, but strace --help can > provide enough information to configure it to trace filesystem > operations. > > In the top-level of Git source directory: > > $ uname -a > somefile > $ strace -o log -f -m syscall ./git --exec-path=$(pwd) add somefile > $ git ls-files -s somefile > > or > > $ strace -o log -f -m syscall ./git --exec-path=$(pwd) hash-object somefile > > Than check if the sha1file is missing and send in the log. > > -- Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. --- Edsger W. Dijkstra Paul Umbers MSc MBCS MIAP paul.umbers@xxxxxxxxx
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