kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git> ls kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git> ls -a ./ ../ .git/ .gitignore kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git> git reset --hardHEAD is now at 58beb2c... Trim leading / off of paths in git-svn prop_walk
kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git> git st # On branch master # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # # gitweb/test/Märchennothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Some further exploration seems to support my cause: kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git> git ls-files gitweb/test "gitweb/test/M\303\244rchen" gitweb/test/file with spaces gitweb/test/file+plus+sign kevin@KBALLARD:~/Dev/git/gitweb/test> ls Märchen | xxd 0000000: 4d61 cc88 7263 6865 6e0a Ma..rchen.As you can see, git has the file tracked using M\303\244rchen, where \303\244 (or 0xC3A4, or U+00E4) is Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis, but the filesystem reports it as "Ma\xCC\x88rchen" where 0xCC88 (or U+0308) is Combining Diaeresis.
In other words, the git repository itself exhibits a problem under OS X. I'm not sure if I didn't notice this untracked file before, or if the filesystem (or the index) actually used the other form previously, but regardless there's a problem that I believe would be present even if I was using Case-Sensitive HFS+.
-Kevin Ballard On Jan 11, 2008, at 6:26 PM, Robin Rosenberg wrote:
Could we just have a lookup table index extension for identifying theduplicates (when checking is enabled using core configuration option #3324)?That table would keep a mapping from a normalized form (maybe includecanonical encoding while we're at it) to the actual octet sequence(s) used.
-- Kevin Ballard kevin@xxxxxx
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