Re: Retroactively change email signature? [resend]

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Linus Torvalds wrote:
> (I don't think git-filter-branch even exposes any easy way to remap the 
> "revert commit xyz" messages in the message format. It's not technically 
> hard to use a --msg-filter for it, but it seems a big bother).

Assuming, of course, that the commit you refer to in a message like that
is in your history.  If it's referring to another commit in a different
branch, which may be being re-written, you've got two problems:

1. rewriting the commit

2. making sure that git-filter-branch processes the two commits in the
right order.

The first is easily fixable; the second requires a hook in
git-filter-branch to customize the tournament.

Subject: [PATCH] git-filter-branch: allow a custom tournament for rewrite ordering

The topological sort by git rev-list may be inconvenient for history
modification where commit IDs are used in comments to refer to other
changes.  So, allow for a program that can take a list of commits, and
return that list in the order that the rewriter must follow.  Borrow
"Tournament" term from Graph Theory.

Signed-off-by: Sam Vilain <sam.vilain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt         |   18 ++++
 contrib/filter-branch/msg-links.perl        |   50 +++++++++
 contrib/filter-branch/tournament-links.perl |  148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        |   11 ++
 t/                    |   21 ++++
 5 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 contrib/filter-branch/msg-links.perl
 create mode 100755 contrib/filter-branch/tournament-links.perl

diff --git a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
index 895d750..ed3a839 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
@@ -118,6 +118,24 @@ convenience functions, too.  For example, calling 'skip_commit "$@"'
 will leave out the current commit (but not its changes! If you want
 that, use gitlink:git-rebase[1] instead).
+--tournament <command>::
+	This command is responsible for re-ordering the commit history
+	after it is retrieved from the input list.  It is passed on
+	standard input the deduced list based upon a regular
+	topological search, and the command is expected to print to
+	standard output a list in the same form.
+Again, this can't be used to re-order patches like
+gitlink:git-rebase[1] does, as the tree IDs of the original positions
+will remain untouched, so the differences between revisions will be
+However, it is required when you need to refer to a commit by ID in a
+commit message, where the commit you are referring to is on an
+unrelated branch.  See the contributed filters in the Git distribution
+for an example script that can let you preserve such referential
+integrity during a rewrite.
 --tag-name-filter <command>::
 	This is the filter for rewriting tag names. When passed,
 	it will be called for every tag ref that points to a rewritten
diff --git a/contrib/filter-branch/msg-links.perl b/contrib/filter-branch/msg-links.perl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ff780c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/filter-branch/msg-links.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -nl
+#   msg-links.perl
+# This is the companion script to tournament-links.perl, it is
+# configured in the same way.  If you want this script, you will
+# probably also want the other one.
+# What it does is rewrites all commit IDs of at least 12 digits long
+# to the post-rewritten version.  Note that this works only for
+# commits seen by the current git-filter-branch run!  If you need to
+# correct "dead" links from a previous run, then supply the rewrite
+# file.
+# You don't need the tournament filter if all of the commits IDs you
+# are changing to are "ancient" history, or if you are rewriting
+# history that is a straight line.
+no strict;
+no warnings;
+use constant REV_MIN_LENGTH => $ENV{MSG_LINK_MIN} || 12;
+	$mlr = "$ENV{GITDIR}/msg-link-rewrite";
+	if ( -e $mlr ) {
+		open FH, "<", $mlr or die $!;
+		local($/);
+		%remap = m{([0-9a-f]{40})}g while <FH>;
+	}
+	( -d "../map" ) or die "can't see the git-filter-branch map dir";
+my $old = $_;
+s{([0-9a-f]{${\(REV_MIN_LENGTH)},40})}{substr(($remap{$1}?do {
+	print STDERR " Remapped: $1 => $remap{$1} (rule)\n";
+	$remap{$1}; }
+		   : $1), 0, length($1))}eg;
+s{([0-9a-f]{${\(REV_MIN_LENGTH)},40})}{substr((-e "../map/$1" ? do {
+	$x = `cat ../map/$1`; chomp($x);
+		print STDERR " Remapped: $1 => $x (ripple)\n";
+	$x}
+: $1),0,length($1))}eg;
+if ( $old ne $_ ) {
+	print STDERR "*** filtered: pre: \n$old\n post:\n$_\n";
diff --git a/contrib/filter-branch/tournament-links.perl b/contrib/filter-branch/tournament-links.perl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..479a28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/filter-branch/tournament-links.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#  tournament-links.perl: a tournament that allows simple re-ordering.
+#  This provides the requirement of getting the commits in the right
+#  order if there are any (full length) commitids in the commit
+#  messages.  It also provides for some remapping along the way (if,
+#  say, a referenced commit ID was wrong).  To do that, put it in a
+#  file in GIT_DIR called "msg-link-rewrite".
+#  The format of msg-link-rewrite is very simple - any full-length
+#  SHA1s that are seen in the file are put into a single hash.  So,
+#  every other item is a key, starting with the first.  Everything
+#  else in the file is ignored.  This is combined with the remapping
+#  that the current git-filter-branch run has performed.
+#  This script is only called once, at the beginning of the run, and
+#  can be relatively expensive on this basis.  This one is practically
+#  guaranteed to feed quicksort it's worst nightmare every time.
+#  Example:
+#    $ cat > .git/msg-link-rewrite <<EOF
+#        Rewrite the commit ID 123456789012 to
+#              '92712632981923'
+#    EOF
+#    $ path=$ENV{HOME}/src/git/contrib/filter-branch
+#    $ git-filter-branch --tournament $path/tournament.perl \
+#         --msg-filter $path/msg-links.perl
+no strict;
+no warnings;
+# use sort '_mergesort'; # Perl 5.10+ - use a mergesort instead
+use constant REV_MIN_LENGTH => $ENV{MSG_LINK_MIN} || 12;
+	$mlr = "$ENV{GITDIR}/msg-link-rewrite";
+	if ( -e $mlr ) {
+		open FH, "<", $mlr or die $!;
+		local($/);
+		%remap = m{([0-9a-f]{${\(REV_MIN_LENGTH)},40})}g while <FH>;
+	}
+	( -d "../map" ) or die "can't see the git-filter-branch map dir";
+@commits = <>;
+# shorten a commit ID to something human-readable for display to
+# STDERR only
+sub n{
+	my $commitid = shift;
+	substr($commitid, 0, 12);
+print STDERR "tournament: read ".@commits." commit IDs\n"
+for my $line ( @commits ) {
+	chomp($line);
+	my ($commit, @parents) = split " ", $line;
+	my @refers_commitids;
+	open COMMIT, "-|", qw(git cat-file commit), $commit;
+	while ( <COMMIT> ) {
+		push @refers_commitids, $1 if m{^parent (.*)$};
+		last if m{^\s*$};
+	}
+	my $msg = join "", <COMMIT>;
+	my @refers_commitids = map {
+		my ($match) = $remap{$_} ? ($remap{$_})
+			: map { $remap{$_} } grep m{^$_}, keys %remap;
+		if ( $match ) {
+			print STDERR "msg-link in ".n($commit).": "
+				.n($_)." treated as ".n($match)."\n"
+					if WATCH_BATTLE;
+			$match;
+		}
+		elsif ( do { $match = `git rev-parse $_`; !$? } ) {
+			chomp($match);
+			print STDERR "msg-link seen in ".n($commit)
+				." to ".n($match)."\n"
+					if WATCH_BATTLE;
+			$match;
+		}
+		else {
+			print STDERR "dead msg-link seen in ".n($commit)
+				." to ".n($_)."\n";
+			$_;
+		}
+	} ($msg =~ m{([0-9a-f]{${\(REV_MIN_LENGTH)},40})}g);
+	warn("$commit is not an extant revision\n"), next if $?;
+	$refers{$commit} = { map { $_ => 1 } @refers_commitids, @parents };
+print STDERR "tournament: read ".@commits." commits\n"
+my $O;
+# returns 1 if source refers to target, or target is a parent of
+# anything referred to by source.
+my $refers = sub {
+	my $source = shift;
+	my $target = shift;
+	my @todo = keys %{ $refers{$source}||{} };
+	my %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @todo;
+	while ( my $commit = shift @todo ) {
+		$O++;
+		do {
+			print STDERR n($source)." refers to ".n($target)."\n"
+			return 1;
+		} if $commit eq $target;
+		push @todo, grep { $O++; !$seen{$_}++ }
+			keys %{ $refers{$commit} || {} };
+	}
+	print STDERR n($source)." does not refer to ".n($target)."\n"
+	return 0;
+# It's tournament time!
+print "$_\n" for sort {
+	(my $_a = $a) =~ s{ .*}{};
+	(my $_b = $b) =~ s{ .*}{};
+	my $cmp_val = 0;
+	if ( $refers->($_a, $_b) ) {
+		++$cmp_val;
+	}
+	elsif ( $refers->($_b, $_a) ) {
+		--$cmp_val;
+	}
+	print STDERR n($a)." ".
+		(($cmp_val == 0 ? "EQUIVALENT TO" :
+		  $cmp_val == -1 ? "COMES BEFORE" :
+		  $cmp_val == 1 ? "COMES AFTER" : "TSNH")
+		 ." ".n($b)."\n")
+	$cmp_val;
+} @commits;
+print STDERR "tournament-links.perl: O(".@commits.") = ".$O."\n";
diff --git a/ b/
index ae29f47..6c099ea 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ filter_msg=cat
 filter_commit='git commit-tree "$@"'
 while :
@@ -166,6 +167,9 @@ do
+	--tournament)
+		tournament="$OPTARG"
+		;;
 		orig_namespace=$(expr "$OPTARG/" : '\(.*[^/]\)/*$')/
@@ -254,6 +258,13 @@ commits=$(wc -l <../revs | tr -d " ")
 test $commits -eq 0 && die "Found nothing to rewrite"
+if [ -n "$tournament" ]
+	cat ../revs | (eval "$tournament") > ../revs.sorted
+	mv ../revs ../revs.pre-sorted
+	mv ../revs.sorted ../revs
 # Rewrite the commits
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5f60b22..8d5679d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -165,4 +165,25 @@ test_expect_success '"map" works in commit filter' '
 	git rev-parse --verify master
+test_expect_success "Specifying a custom tournament" '
+        git checkout -b custom-tournament &&
+	echo "Hello">&2
+        echo j > j &&
+	git add j &&
+	echo "There">&2
+        git commit -m j j &&
+        echo z > z &&
+	git add z &&
+	echo "Dude">&2
+        git commit -m z &&
+        echo x > x &&
+	git add x &&
+	echo "Dude">&2
+        git commit -m x &&
+        git-filter-branch -f --parent-filter cat --tournament "cat > foo; fp=\$(head -1 foo | awk \"{print \\\$2}\"); ( head -2 foo | tac; tail -1 foo ) | awk \"{print \\\$1}\" | while read x y; do echo \$x \$fp; fp=\$x; done"  master..HEAD &&
+	order=$(git-log --pretty=format:"%s" master...custom-tournament | xargs) &&
+	echo "order is <$order>" &&
+	test "$order" = "x j z"

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