Refer attached ... install, didn't get git-init link to git.
Ring any bells?
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On Mon, 17 Dec 2007, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> I don't say porting git to HP-UX was/is easy, but at least I got it building
> in less than four hours without having to depend on other projects. I gave
> up on SVN after three days and not having any runnable part of svn at all.
My experiences on Solaris are about equally painful, but reversed. I ended
up hand-editing svn's configure scripts to get them to work at all. It
took about a day of on-and-off effort, but it does now seem to work.
Git took about half a day to get to build and install, but alas it
doesn't seem to work:
$ git-clone git://
/home/doughera/git/bin/git-clone: git-init: command not found
Usage: /home/doughera/git/bin/git-clone [--template=<template_directory>] [--reference <reference-repo>] [--bare] [-l [-s]] [-q] [-u <upload-pack>] [--origin <name>] [--depth <n>] [-n] <repo> [<dir>]
$ git --version
git version
Indeed, I have no 'git-init' command anywhere to be found. I have no
idea if this is normal. It's probably something simple, but I probably
won't have time to investigate until January sometime.
On the other hand, I certainly agree that the discussion has been
constructive and positive. Sam's done a wonderful job working on
converting the perforce repository and sharing his work with the broader
Andy Dougherty doughera@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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