Possible venues for Git Merge 2025

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given that this year is the 20th anniversary of the Git project it would
be great to host another Git Merge so that the wider community can come
together and celebrate. Taylor and I have been chatting about this
opportunity a bit to figure out what we're going to do this year.

We have been discussing two different options:

  - Hosting in the US in San Francisco at the GitHub HQ.

  - Hosting in the EU in Amsterdam colocated with the Open Source
    Summit Europe.

Typically, the location is alternating on a yearly basis between the US
and the EU. So given that last year it was hosted in Berlin it would be
the US' turn. But given the recent political climate in the US I'm
afraid that many people would not feel comfortable traveling there right
now. So in the spirit of being inclusive I think we should at least
consider whether we may want to break the typical alternating cycle and
host in the EU again.

I have been reaching out to the Linux Foundation, and initial feedback
has been positive that colocating would be possible. I do not yet have
any details though, so we'd know for sure in the first half of April
whether this is an option in the first place.

Until then I wanted to get a bit of feedback from the community so that
we can assess better whether my fear is unfounded or not, and what the
majority's preference would be.


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