[PATCH v6 0/4] "promisor-remote" capability fixes

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This addresses a number of different issues found after the
"promisor-remote" capability patch series was merged.

Changes since v5:

There are only changes in the "t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh"
test script since v5:

  - Patch 1/4 ("t5710: arrange to delete the client before cloning")
    is new. It moves `test_when_finished "rm -rf client"` before we
    clone. It's a preparatory patch to avoid possible issues in the
    following tests if a clone ever fails in a weird way.

  - In patch 2/4 ("promisor-remote: fix segfault when remote URL is
    missing"), the tests have been improved in a few ways:

      - a `test_when_finished "rm -rf client"` has been moved before a
        clone instruction to avoid possible issues in the following
        tests if the clone fails in a weird way,

      - some instructions to reset `remote.lop.url` on the server to
        it's original value ("file://$(pwd)/lop") have been moved
        before the instructions that unset it or set it to an empty

      - some `test_when_finished "rm -rf client"` have been added into
        the new tests where the clone is expected to fail, to avoid
        possible issues in the following tests in case the clone
        actually succeeds.

Range diff since v5:

-:  ---------- > 1:  12e6251c65 t5710: arrange to delete the client before cloning
1:  f01457943d ! 2:  9fe0844b72 promisor-remote: fix segfault when remote URL is missing
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownNam
     +test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownName' and missing URL in the config" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
     +  # Lazy fetching by the client from the LOP will fail because of the
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownNam
     +  GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 git clone -c remote.lop.promisor=true \
     +          -c promisor.acceptfromserver=KnownName \
     +          --no-local --filter="blob:limit=5k" server client &&
    -+  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
     +  # Check that the largest object is not missing on the server
     +  check_missing_objects server 0 "" &&
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownNam
      test_expect_success "clone with promisor.acceptfromserver set to 'KnownUrl'" '
        git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    +   test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
     @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownUrl' and different remote urls" '
        initialize_server 1 "$oid"
     +test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownUrl' and url not configured on the server" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
    -+  git -C server config unset remote.lop.url &&
     +  test_when_finished "git -C server config set remote.lop.url \"file://$(pwd)/lop\"" &&
    ++  git -C server config unset remote.lop.url &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
     +  # It should fail because the client will reject the LOP as URLs are
    @@ t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh: test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownUrl
     +test_expect_success "clone with 'KnownUrl' and empty url, so not advertised" '
     +  git -C server config promisor.advertise true &&
    ++  test_when_finished "rm -rf client" &&
    -+  git -C server config set remote.lop.url "" &&
     +  test_when_finished "git -C server config set remote.lop.url \"file://$(pwd)/lop\"" &&
    ++  git -C server config set remote.lop.url "" &&
     +  # Clone from server to create a client
     +  # It should fail because the client will reject the LOP as an empty URL is
2:  8981eb9dae = 3:  f56dccc5e2 promisor-remote: fix possible issue when no URL is advertised
3:  a8a9f9b33b = 4:  81387f61c3 promisor-remote: compare remote names case sensitively

Christian Couder (4):
  t5710: arrange to delete the client before cloning
  promisor-remote: fix segfault when remote URL is missing
  promisor-remote: fix possible issue when no URL is advertised
  promisor-remote: compare remote names case sensitively

 Documentation/config/promisor.adoc    |  4 +-
 promisor-remote.c                     | 27 ++++++----
 t/t5710-promisor-remote-capability.sh | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)


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