Op 2025-03-13 om 13:40 schreef D. Ben Knoble:
On Fri, Mar 7, 2025 at 4:46 PM David Mandelberg <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Op 2025-03-06 om 15:24 schreef D. Ben Knoble:
I'm willing to manually test the patch if I can understand how to
reproduce the issue—it sounds like having a remote name with a slash
is sufficient?
Yup. I was able to reproduce it with these commands:
/tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i$ git init foo
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i/foo/.git/
/tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i$ cd foo
/tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i/foo$ git remote add with/slash /path/does/not/matter
/tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i/foo$ git commit -m 'test' --allow-empty
[main (root-commit) 4b95a99] test
/tmp/tmp.zOjfmdMx1i/foo$ git update-ref refs/remotes/with/slash/main 4b95a99
Then type:
git push with/slash :ma<Tab>
Thanks; in Zsh the results after :<Tab> are HEAD and main. After
:ma<Tab>, just main. The results with _no_ colon are HEAD, main,
with/slash/main. I think that's all the expected results?
That sounds right to me, thanks for testing it!