I would like to propose an enhancement to git init that allows users to specify a language or framework when initializing a repository, automatically applying an appropriate .gitignore template. Proposal Introduce a flag to git init that enables users to initialize a repository with a predefined .gitignore based on the project's language or framework. For example: git init --golang git init --python git init --node This would generate a .gitignore file using well-established templates, such as those from Toptal's Gitignore Generator https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/ or GitHub's official .gitignore repository. Benefits Improves Developer Experience: Eliminates the manual step of searching for and adding a .gitignore file. Standardization: Ensures that best-practice .gitignore files are consistently applied. Saves Time: Reduces setup time, especially for new projects. Let me know if further details or discussions are needed. Tech Kenya
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