Dear Git gurus, Thanks for making git – the greatest VCS ever! I just upgraded to (reinstall via Git-2.48.1-64-bit.exe). Also I kept the checkbox to cache files (new feature?) – maybe a mistake, let see. After the upgrade, I pulled some repo with git-fork and got this error: error: could not delete references: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/XY-74488': Unable to create 'D:/projects/projectname/workspaces/main/projectname/.git/refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/XY-74488.lock': File exists. I looked locally (even in CMD with copy & paste of the exact file reference) but the lock file is NOT there. I repeat the pull and get the same error, but no such lock file exists. To avoid external side-effects from git-fork, I opened a new git-bash and called “git pull” manually in the terminal. This did not give me any error but gave me this: $ git pull