Hi, I have found a potential memory leak bug in reftable/readwrite_test.c and would like to report it to the maintainers. Can you please help me to check it? Thank you for your effort and patience! Below is the execution sequence of the program that may produce the bug. First, in file src/wrapper.c, function xstrdup allocates memory at line 40 and returns at line 43. Second, in the file reftable/reader.c, the function init_reader calls the function xstrdup on line 202 to allocate memory for r->name, which is the formal parameter of the function init_reader. Third, in file reftable/readwrite_test.c, function test_corrupt_table_empty calls function init_reader on line 935 with &rd passed as the first argument, causing rd->name to be allocated memory. rd->name is not freed, which would cause the memory leak vulnerability. Thank you very much for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!