Hi everyone,
I was looking on a machine that does not normally get any attention. On
this machine a daily cronjob has been running
git checkout -q master && git fetch && git reset --hard
origin/master && git gc --auto
for 6 years. The git directory now contains a .git/logs/HEAD file of
180MB with 823921 lines.
The repo config contains
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
and the system git version is 2.36.6.
I can't change the git version -or install my own one- so I can't tell
if this has been fixed since.
A manual git gc fixed everything, so I amended the cronjob to just do
that instead.
I was just slightly surprised (and amused) because I expected 'git gc
--auto' to pick this up, so I thought I'd share this with you.