The use of "echo -e" is not portable and not specified by POSIX. dash does not support any options except "-n", and so this script will not work on operating systems which use that as /bin/sh. Fortunately, the solution is easy: switch to printf(1), which is specified by POSIX and allows the escape sequences we want to use. This will allow the script to work with any POSIX shell. Signed-off-by: brian m. carlson <sandals@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> --- contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) I noticed this in Debian bug 772238[0], while looking for any bug reports that I might be able to fix. It was reported in 2014 and has gone unfixed since then, so possibly this script is seeing relatively little use on Debian and Ubuntu. I have not CC'd any of the authors because nobody's touched this in over 9 years and none of those people are still active. [0] diff --git a/contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ b/contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ index 1053872eea..c55c2caa41 100755 --- a/contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ +++ b/contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ BODY=$(sed -e "1,/${SEP}/d" $1) CMT_MSG=$(sed -e '1,/^$/d' -e '/^---$/,$d' "${PATCH}") DIFF=$(sed -e '1,/^---$/d' "${PATCH}") -CCS=$(echo -e "$CMT_MSG\n$HEADERS" | sed -n -e 's/^Cc: \(.*\)$/\1,/gp' \ +CCS=$(printf '%s\n%s' "$CMT_MSG" "$HEADERS" | sed -n -e 's/^Cc: \(.*\)$/\1,/gp' \ -e 's/^Signed-off-by: \(.*\)/\1,/gp') echo "$SUBJECT" > $1