Re: [PATCH] reftable: ignore file-in-use errors when unlink(3p) fails on Windows

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Am 27.01.25 um 08:48 schrieb Patrick Steinhardt:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 03:28:28PM +0100, Johannes Sixt wrote:
>> Am 25.01.25 um 09:32 schrieb Patrick Steinhardt:
>> Instead of calling _wunlink() in mingw_unlink, we could CreateFileW()
>> with access mode DELETE and flag FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, then close
>> the file right away. That would apply semantics that is similar, but not
>> quite, POSIX at least among the files that we open ourselves.
> Huh. And that works even when the file is still being held open by other
> processes?

Only if the process cooperates and has opened the file with
FILE_SHARE_DELETE. So, in general, no.

I think, Cygwin implements unlink() in this manner.

> I have a feeling that there's a misunderstanding here, either on my side
> or on yours. It's the rest of Git that wants to have POSIX behaviour for
> `unlink()`, not the reftable library.

Yes and no. Yes, we expect to be able to delete a file that was opened
by some *other* Git process (e.g., packfiles during gc), but, no, we do
not delete files that have been opened in the current process and are
still open.

For this reason, I am arguing to remove the interactive part of
mingw_unlink() and use the cooperative strategy I mentioned above. That
gives us POSIX-like behavior for concurrent Git processes.

The interactive question is only useful when the user has control over
an uncooperative process that keeps a file open for an extended time and
can find that processes, which is either obvious or extremely difficult.
As I said, I haven't seen the question since a long, long time now, but
I am also the first to admit that my way of using Git is rather narrow.

-- Hannes

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