Hello everyone! I'm expecting to apply for GSoC 2025 in Git, so let me present myself! My name is Lucas Oshiro, I'm a developer from São Paulo, Brazil, currently a grad student in CS at University of São Paulo. My interest in Git dates from years ago and I even submitted a patch here in the past (which wasn't finished due to scheduling conflicts with my capstone project). Since then, I haven't been involved directly with Git community, however, I kept my interest in Git alive by: - Translating parts of Pro Git to pt-BR: https://github.com/progit/progit2-pt-br/pull/81 - Writing some blog posts about Git, for example, this one that explains how Git can be used as a debugging tool: https://lucasoshiro.github.io/posts-en/2023-02-13-git-debug/ - Writing a subset of Git in Haskell: https://github.com/lucasoshiro/oshit Even though GSoC 2025 didn't start so far, I intend to select as a microproject replacing a `test -f` by `test_path_is_*` in `t7603`. If someone else is working on that I can change it by another test. I hope to get in touch again soon! Lucas