Was just running the test suite against the master branch and saw that
t9101 is currently failing on Leopard, and a review with git-bisect
indicates that it has been ever since it was first introduced (in
commit 15153451). Not sure if this problem is Leopard-specific or not
as I only have one machine.
This is the specific test that's failing:
* FAIL 25: test propget
git-svn propget svn:ignore . | cmp - prop.expect &&
cd deeply &&
git-svn propget svn:ignore . | cmp - ../prop.expect &&
git-svn propget svn:entry:committed-rev nested/directory/.keep |
cmp - ../prop2.expect &&
git-svn propget svn:ignore .. | cmp - ../prop.expect &&
git-svn propget svn:ignore nested/ | cmp - ../prop.expect &&
git-svn propget svn:ignore ./nested | cmp - ../prop.expect &&
git-svn propget svn:ignore .././deeply/nested | cmp - ../prop.expect
The problem is that the for line:
git-svn propget svn:entry:committed-rev nested/directory/.keep
The test expects the "8", but it actually yields "7".
I'm not a git-svn user myself, but if there's anything I can do to
help diagnose this problem further on Leopard please let me know.
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