Patrick Steinhardt <ps@xxxxxx> writes: > I don't really think it makes sense to explicitly point out every > option that we have. We already document how to discover and set > options, and from hereon it follows that you can wire up docs by > running for example `meson setup -Ddocs=man ..`. It's just another > option, and as such it can be discovered by running `meson configure`. This is something I wasn't aware of. Because I'm used to the Makefile workflow and I'm not familiar with Meson, I didn't expect it to work like that. > The benefit of this is that it cannot grow stale like the build options > in our Makefile. These may or may not have documentation, and may or may > not be stale. With Meson, every build option is listed explicitly, has > documentation and is discoverable via `meson configure`. That's awesome, and I totally I agree we use the benefit of this self-documenting feature of Meson. Again, I didn't know about that. It's more of a me-problem than with your code. > Yup, you are always expected to set up the top-level source directory, > not any of the subdirectories. The build instructions are then processed > linearly in Meson, so variables declared before a call to `subdir()` > would be accessible in the subdirectory, as well. With Makefiles I can build individual targets (like `make docs`), or run `make` in the docs/ subdir, is something like that also possible with Meson? Or are you always configuring what to build in `meson configure` and building all that with `meson compile`? -- Toon