Hi. Is this a bug in git version 2.47.1? Or am I using it incorrectly? # erase existing example.com credentials printf "host=example.com\nprotocol=https\n" | git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=cache credential reject # store bearer token with expiry in far future in credential-cache printf "host=example.com\nprotocol=https\nauthtype=bearer\ncredential=letmein\npassword_expiry_utc=2147483640\n" | git credential-cache store # try to retrieve credential printf "host=example.com\nprotocol=https\n" | git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=cache credential fill Expected output (complete credential): protocol=https host=example.com authtype=bearer credential=letmein password_expiry_utc=2147483640 Actual output (incomplete credential, no prompt for username or password): protocol=https host=example.com password_expiry_utc=2147483640