- Ease of use: easy to use, discovering available options is easy. The scripting language is straight-forward to use. - IDE support: Supports generating build instructions for Xcode and Microsoft Visual Studio, a plugin exists for Visual Studio Code. - Out-of-tree builds: supported. - Cross-platform builds: supported. - Language support: - C: Supported for GCC, Clang, MSVC and other toolchains. - Rust: Supported for rustc. - Test integration: supported. Interactive tests are supported starting with Meson 1.5.0 via the `--interactive` flag. I don't think that when reading these any of them stick out to me and compel me to learn a new build system. I understand and am sympathetic to the fact that GNU Make has odd syntax and can be cumbersome. But I don't think that incrementally modifying our Makefile over time is difficult, and it has certainly worked well over the years. Certainly there is ample support for IDE integration with Make. Out-of-tree builds and cross-platform builds could be supported in theory as you note within the existing build system. Another suggestion you make is that Meson has better native support for Rust, which I agree may be important to consider in the future. But I don't think that any of those three (out-of-tree builds, cross-compilation, or Rust support) are insurmountable challenges in Make. Certainly there is a lot of inertia there, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Contributors are used to the existing build system, it has worked well for us, works across many platforms and has (IMO) stood the test of time. I admittedly have a hard time squaring the benefits and goals we have with Meson with the cost of learning a new build system, and/or moving away from Make entirely. I am entirely open to the possibility that there is something that I am missing here, and that Meson really is a better choice for Git given our current direction. But I think if that's true, then the series needs to explain that more prominently. == What is the eventual plan for CMake?