> On Tue Oct 22, 2024 at 5:53 PM CEST, Taylor Blau wrote: > > Are you using the prompt from contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh? If so, I > > CC'd a couple of folks who have worked recently on that script. > > > > I assume they may find it helpful to know a little more about your > > setup, including possibly if you have a bisection where the prompt > > stopped working for you when in sub-directories. > > Unfortunately, I have recently switched from fish (where > everything works right), so I don’t know when exactly the break happened. > > Using openSUSE/MicroOS-based system with all the work done in > distrobox containers (with openSUSE/Tumbleweed inside). > > Not sure, what else I can say, or how to better debug. You can help by providing the following: - What is the "innermost" distro where this happens? Thumbleweed? which version? - Which git version do you have installed? How did you install it? - How did you install the git-prompt support? - Which shell do you use? (bash? zsh? something else?) - How is the (git) prompt set in your shell startup file? (~/.bashrc, or ~/.profile, etc). If you don't know exactly, then can you please attach your shell startup files? - Can you provide a sample repository to clone which reproduces the issue? for instance, you can pick a small repo from github. - What are the steps to reproduce the issue? is it enough to "cd" into an existing sub-dir at the git dir? or is it only broken when creating an unrelated sub-dir and "cd" into it? better yet, provide a 1:... 2:... 3:... steps which reproduce the issue for you, and which others can try to follow. I tried the following: 1. Download the latest Thumbleweed snapshot and boot in a VM: https://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/iso/openSUSE-Tumbleweed-XFCE-Live-x86_64-Snapshot20241022-Media.iso 2. In a terminal (default shell is bash 5.2.37(1)): sudo zypper install git # 2.47.0-1.1 sudo zypper install bash-git-prompt 3. The above does NOT install git-prompt.sh which is maintained together with git at the contrib dir. In its README.md: This prompt is a port of the "Informative git prompt for zsh" which you can find https://github.com/olivierverdier/zsh-git-prompt so I did not try to set it up. If you have an issue with that package then you should report it to the package maintainer. 4. Download git-prompt.sh from the git contrib dir: curl -o ~/git-prompt.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/refs/tags/v2.47.0/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh chmod +x ~/git-prompt.sh 5. Add the following lines at the end of ~/.bashrc : . ~/git-prompt.sh PS1='\w$(__git_ps1)\n\$ ' 6. Start a new bash shell or new terminal. 7. Clone a sample repo (/shameless plug) and "cd" into it: git clone https://github.com/avih/shlolcat cd shlolcat # the prompt correctly includes "(master)" 9. "cd" into a subdir: cd c-lolcat # the prompt still correctly includes "(master)" 9. Create an arbitrary additional sub-dir and "cd" into it: mkdir xxx cd xxx # the prompt still correctly includes "(master)" So I can't reproduce such issue with git-prompt.sh which is part of the "git" repo at contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh . Cheers, avih