On Fri, 13 Sep 2024, Patrick Steinhardt wrote:
In a nutshell:
Thanks, this is helpful.
- We then clone a repository from Apache with http.postbuffer=65536,
which makes us use a small buffer when POSTing data via curl. We
typically use 1MB buffers, and when changing it back to 1MB instead
of 65kB the test works just fine.
Is this a git buffer size or is this a value you tell libcurl in an option to
set a buffer size?
I've appended two curl traces, the working one with 1MB buffers and the
failing one with 65kB buffers. I hope that helps.
How are you feeding the data to libcurl? (callback or by setting the
postfields option?) I noticed that in the working case log, the POST requests
always have a content-length header while the failing case log shows that
header lacking in the final POST request.
Is that on purpose?
libcurl should still handle it fine, it might just be a clue for me to narrow
down my search.
/ daniel.haxx.se