Hello. 👋 I'm seeing strange issues with log/listing trailer information for commits and tags and I think I'm experiencing a bug where when I attempt to list commits and tags with specific trailer keys, I get new lines showing up in my output. Here's my steps to recreate using a simple Bash script: ``` mkdir demo cd demo git init touch one.txt git add . git commit --message "Added one" --trailer Milestone=patch --trailer Issue=111 git tag 0.0.0 --message "Version 0.0.0" --no-sign --trailer Files:1 --trailer Duration:1 touch two.txt git add . git commit --message "Added two" --trailer Milestone=patch --trailer Issue=222 git tag 0.0.1 --message "Version 0.0.1" --no-sign --trailer Files:1 --trailer Duration:1 ``` Notice that I'm using trailers for my commits *and* tags. Here's what my git log looks like: ``` git log --pretty=format:"%h %an% %s %d %cr. %(trailers:key=Milestone) %(trailers:key=Issue)" ``` The above produces this output: 08a07b717bef Brooke KuhlmannAdded two (HEAD -> main, tag: 0.0.1) 5 minutes ago. Milestone: patch Issue: 222 01c4c182c85e Brooke KuhlmannAdded one (tag: 0.0.0) 5 minutes ago. Milestone: patch Issue: 111 ...and if I list my tags using this command: ``` git tag --list \ --format="%(refname:short) %(taggerdate:short) %(taggername) %(subject) %(trailers:key=Files) %(trailers:key=Duration)" ``` ...I get this output: 0.0.0 2024-09-06 Brooke Kuhlmann Version 0.0.0 Files: 1 Duration: 1 Files: 1 Duration: 1 0.0.1 2024-09-06 Brooke Kuhlmann Version 0.0.1 Files: 1 Duration: 1 Files: 1 Duration: 1 Notice, when logging trailer information for commits and tags, I get unexpected new line characters showing up in the output. I expect to see all information printed on the same line without any new lines showing up. Also, I want to point out that when listing tag trailers, I get the "Duration" key showing up twice. I'm not sure if that's related or not but seems like very weird behavior.