Hello. 👋 With the recent release of Git 2.46.0, the ability to add trailers to tags was added which is great! However, when attempting to list and format trailer information, I don't see the trailer information display using the following Bash code: ``` git tag --list \ --color \ --format="%(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset)|%(taggerdate:short)|%(color:blue)%(color:bold)%(taggername)%(color:reset)|%(subject)|%(trailers:key=Insertions)" \ | column -s"|" -t ``` Notice that I'm using the same syntax (`%(trailers:key=Insertions)`) as used in the git for-each-ref (https://git-scm.com/docs/git-for-each-ref#Documentation/git-for-each-ref.txt-rawsize) documentation. If it helps, I also create my Git tag using `git tag` and formatting my message as follows: ``` Version 0.0.0 An example. Insertions: 10 ``` Shouldn't the formatting of my git tags pick up the "Insertions" trailer key and print it? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!