Am 04.09.24 um 11:06 schrieb Rene Kita: > I have an alias > 'gr = log --oneline --abbrev-commit --all --graph --decorate --color' > and I would like to be able to sometimes exclude a branch, so call it > with: > $ git gr --exclude=pattern > > This does not work, though. Also does not work without the alias and > typing the complete command by hand. Apparently the --exclude must be > put before the --all to take effect. That is very much by design, so that you can express "branches except the wip and preview branches and remotes except those from the remote archive" with --exclude=wip/* --exclude=preview* --branches --exclude=archive/* --remotes These collective branch options --branches, --remotes, and --all clear the exclude patterns after having them applied. Therefore, in this example, the first two --exclude do not affect --remotes. -- Hannes