Eric Sunshine <sunshine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > How about this? > > The "?!LOOP?!" case is particularly serious because that terse > single word does nothing to convey that the loop body should end > with "|| return 1" (or "|| exit 1" in a subshell) to ensure that a > failing command in the body aborts the loop immediately, which is > important since a shell loop does not automatically terminate when > an error occurs within its body. Moreover, unlike &&-chaining > which is ubiquitous in Git tests, the "|| return 1" idiom is > relatively infrequent, thus may be harder for a newcomer to > discover by consulting nearby code. Strike ", which is important since .*\ its body." and the above reads perfect. >> > -# name and the test body with a `?!FOO?!` annotation at the location of each >> > +# name and the test body with a `?!ERR?!` annotation at the location of each >> > # detected problem, where "FOO" is a tag such as "AMP" which indicates a broken >> >> "FOO" -> "ERR"? > > Yep. Sharp eyes. OK. I'll mark the topic to be expecting a reroll for these small messaging plus "ERR" -> "ERR:" but without other larger changes mentioned in the thread. Thanks.