Yes, I am aware that the index will be fully refreshed on the first run
of status. That is completely acceptable. But that is not what I am
observing, it is being refreshed on every single run of `git status`!
After running stat before and after a status, the sha256 is identical.
Both for files and for folders. Maybe Windows has somehow corrupted the
index with its negative aura which makes git invalidate it on every
single run? Are there tools in git to diagnose the reason for the
index's cache being invalidated?
On the topic of Unix permissions -- as far as I can tell, they ARE in
fact working, because I've created a UserMapping file that tells NTFS-3G
how to map between NTFS/Windows user UUIDs and Linux user IDs. See
NTFS-3G's github page (
On 8/30/24 03:47, brian m. carlson wrote:
On 2024-08-29 at 20:43:40, Roman Sandu wrote:
Good day!
I have a decently sized (80K files) monorepo on an NTFS drive that I have
been working with for a while under Windows via git-for-windows. Recently, I
had to (temporarily) switch to Ubuntu (24.04) via dual-boot for irrelevant
reasons, and I decided that simply mounting my NTFS drive and using the
monorepo from Ubuntu is a great idea, actually, as NTFS-3G allow for
seamless interop with NTFS via UserMapping. And so that is exactly what I
did and It Just Works!
In general, I would not recommend this. NTFS doesn't support Unix
permissions, so I'd expect a lot of things to be broken. A lot of
people like using NTFS to share data across Windows and Linux, but UDF
is a much better choice and I'm not surprised that NTFS isn't working
the way you'd expect.
Also, when you share a repository across systems, you should expect the
index to be fully refreshed each time you change the OS, reading every
file in the repository[0].
So, what do I do about this? It honestly looks like a git bug to me, maybe
it silently fails to update the index with new timestamps because it was
initially created on Windows? But I have no clue how to narrow this issue
down further, so any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated!
Can you pick some file in your repository and run `stat` on it, before
and after running `git status`, and include the output?
For example:
stat http.c | tee /tmp/before
git status
stat http.c | tee /tmp/after
sha256sum /tmp/before /tmp/after
My guess is that NTFS-3G is not emulating something properly and it's
differing at some point.