mini:TextMateBundles mjc$ git-svn fetch
Found possible branch point:
PlugIn => PlugIn
Completion Menu, 8089
Initializing parent: Dialog PlugIn Completion Menu@8089
Bad URL passed to RA layer: Malformed URL for repository at /opt/
local/bin/git-svn line 1607
looks like that might need to be %20 ?
Hacky, but it works.
Signed-off-by: Michael J. Cohen <mjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff --git a/git-svn.perl b/git-svn.perl
index dd93e32..5dc3b9c 100755
--- a/git-svn.perl
+++ b/git-svn.perl
@@ -1976,6 +1976,7 @@ sub find_parent_branch {
my $r = $i->{copyfrom_rev};
my $repos_root = $self->ra->{repos_root};
my $url = $self->ra->{url};
+ $branch_from =~ s@([\s])@sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))@seg;
my $new_url = $repos_root . $branch_from;
print STDERR "Found possible branch point: ",
"$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n";
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