<rsbecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > I have tried to reproduce your situation using git 2.43.0 without success. > > $ mkdir test > $ cd test > $ touch .nfs12309 > $ git clean -df . > Removing .nfs12309 I suspec that this is different from a real NFSv3 client in that removal of such "removed while still open" files would result in another one automatically resurrected by the filesystem. In any case, if we cannot remove a file (due to filesystem limitation), we should report the fact, just like in a case where we cannot remove a regular file, e.g. $ cd git.git/ $ mkdir -p junk/ttt $ >junk/ttt/sss $ chmod a-w junk/ttt $ cd junk $ git clean -f -d -x ttt; echo $? warning: failed to remove ttt/sss: Permission denied 1 Figuring out why it is not happening is left as an exercise to readers ;-), as I no longer have an NFSv3 environment handy. Thanks.