Hi everybody, I've been thinking that it would be a good time to gather informally via another Virtual Contributor's Summit. I had been waiting to see whether GitHub was going to host a Git Merge event in person this year, but it looks like the answer to that is "probably not" (though I am hopeful for next year[^1]). In lieu of meeting in person, I think it might make sense to meet sometime in either this upcoming May or June (though we could extend further depending on folks' availability) in the same style/format as our last Summit [2], the details were as follows: - We'll host the Contributor's Summit on either Zoom or any other conferencing platform that works for folks. (I spoke with Emily Shaffer off-list and they mentioned that some Google folks were interested in Discord for a few reasons, so we could do that, too). - The schedule/duration is not fixed, and there are options to vote on preferred days, length, and timezones in the form(s) below. Last year we did two four-hour days, so we could do that again (or anything else that works better). - Like last time, in order to participate, you must be either (a) an active Git contributor, (b) planning on contributing soon, or (c) working on a Git-related project that has interest in Git's internals. If you aren't sure whether or not you are welcome, please ask! Participants should fill out the following forms: - https://forms.gle/VVrJ7RbHVxurxZH99 (participants) - https://forms.gle/iGnfexF4hDuK6MQe9 (topics) - https://www.when2meet.com/?24557185-cHKWv (When2meet) New this year is the When2meet, since this seems like a more efficient way to collect which dates are open for folks within the next couple of months. The participants and topics lists are being recorded in the spreadsheet below, and this is also the place to record your vote(s) on topic selection. https://bit.ly/git-contributors-summit-2024 Please feel free to send any feedback or suggestions you have for this year's Contributor's Summit to me on- or off-list. Like last year, my hope is to have a small, remote-friendly, diverse, and efficient discussion. As we get closer to the date, we'll finalize the schedule, make sure we have volunteers to take notes, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody (virtually) soon :-). Thanks, Taylor [^1]: Coinciding with the project's 20th anniversary! [2]: https://lore.kernel.org/git/ZMATKIaU1A1D0wJg@nand.local/