> Please be mindful that we typically wrap commit messages at 72 columns per line. Furthermore, we don't typically say "This patch", but rather use an imperative style. So instead of saying "This patch adds a biultin driver", we'd say "Add a builtin driver". Thank you, I'll keep this in mind. Although that wasn't the intended commit message. I tried to create a single patch out of the 4 recent commits and send it via email and this is how it came across. So, the 4 lines after that are the actual commit messages. > > gitattributes: add typescript language to hunk headers support > > t4034: add tests for typescript word_regex > > t4018: add tests for typescript funcname regex > > userdiff: add funcname regex and wordregex for typescript language > We don't usually provide such bulleted-list-style changes for each of the files. In this case, it shoul be fine to say something "Add tests and documentation for the new driver". These are the original commit messages ':|. I apologize, I'm still new to using a command line mailer, so please bear with me. I'm learning how to use this well. On a side note, is there a mailer that you'd recommend? > Last but not least, this message is missing your signoff. I believe I made a blunder while creating a patch file since the commits are signed locally. I'll take extra care to review my mails before sending from now onwards. Thank you for your direction. I'll submit a follow up version with patches for each commit.