Hi all and thanks for the amazing work you do on Git. It seems that the —trust-exit-code option from git-difftool is not working when one use —dir-diff. As an example I have set up the following configuration : [difftool "false"] cmd = false And when I launch git-difftool in normal mode with —trust-exit-code, it works fine: $ git difftool -y -t false --trust-exit-code HEAD HEAD~1 $ echo $? > 128 However the same command in dir-diff mode is not working : $ git difftool -t false -d --trust-exit-code HEAD HEAD~1 $ echo $? > 0 >From what I read in git/git-difftool—helper.sh it seems to not forward the exit status when $GIT_DIFFTOOL_DIRDIFF is on. I believe there is nothing in the documentation about this interaction. Maybe this is intended but I find that this could be useful to have this option working on dir-diff mode too. For instance in my use case I would want to signal an error when I detect breaking changes with the breaking change detector we are working on, that is hooked as a difftool. Best regards! --- Jean-Rémy Falleri (http://www.labri.fr/~falleri)