Op di 6 feb 2024 om 08:08 schreef Kristoffer Haugsbakk <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > Nice. I’ve seen a few tools that do that: > > • https://github.com/spotify/git-test > • https://github.com/mhagger/git-test Cool to see others are doing something similar. The first git-test stores the test results in a local cache though, not in git notes. The second git-test stores the results in a note attached to the tree instead of the commit. This is a clever idea, as you avoid running tests twice on the same tree (e.g. the merge commit of a `git merge --no-ff` merged branch that was already rebased to be current). Down side is that git log and can display commit notes after the message, but cannot display tree notes. In our setup there's one CI server running these tests and pushing the notes to the repo. This way everybody (developer, reviewer) can see the state of in-progress work without having to run all build test variations themselves. Anyway, good to see wider usage of the git notes feature as inspiration for new possibilities. Maarten