Hello everyone, quoting from downstream issue: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/git/-/issues/5 ------------------------- "As far as I can see git gui cannot easily be used by me on arch. A .desktop entry is missing for me. I created one that opens git gui. It also adds an entry in the "Open With..." menu of file managers (I tested only with Nautilus). Opeing git gui with this entry git gui is opened in the folder where the menu was opened. If it is a git repository git gui open it. If it is no git repository git gui opens just as if it was called from the desktop launcher. Since it took a while to create it and adds value for me I would like to share it to be added to the git package by default. It is far from being perfect. It's a first working version. For me personally it is enough. Before tweaking it further to fit the packaging standards I would like to ask if is desired to be added. .desktop file proposal [Desktop Entry] Name=git gui Comment=A portable graphical interface to Git Exec=/bin/bash -c 'if [[ "$0" = "/bin/bash" ]]; then git gui; else cd "$0" && git gui; fi' %F Icon=/usr/share/git-gui/lib/git-gui.ico Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Development; I think upstream has any interest to add this. Therefore I ask here." ------------------------- The arch package maintainer proposed to try to to add this to upstream before just putting it into the arch package. Here I am asking if it could be added to git. If it's worth to add it, I would take the time to improve it if there are suggestions or comments on the current version. Best wishes and thanks for developing git. Tobias