Hello, I'm trying to copy my current git worktree to a new directory, while including all modified and untracked files, but excluding any ignored files. I essentially want a copy of the tree assuming someone ran `git add --all && git commit` and cloned that commit into a different directory. I got pretty close with the following command: $ git ls-files --cached --modified --others --exclude-standard --deduplicate | xargs cp --parents --no-dereference --target-directory=/tmp/clone/ The problem is that if I have an unstaged delete, `ls-files` will print it out as a modification and `cp` will print an error saying that it failed to copy the non-existing file. The man page states this behavior: > --modified: Show files with an unstaged modification (note that an unstaged deletion also counts as an unstaged modification) Is there another way to achieve what I'm doing that's not too expensive? If not, could a `--no-deleted-as-modified` flag be added? Thanks, Raul