On Friday, November 3, 2023 10:50 AM, I wrote: >In RC0, the following tests are failing (with verbose). They look like the same root >cause. Unpack("Q>".... What version does git now require for perl? >I have v5.30.3 available, nothing more recent. > >expecting success of 4216.141 'Bloom reader notices too-small data chunk': >check_corrupt_graph BDAT clear 00000000 && echo "warning: ignoring too-small >changed-path chunk" \ >"(4 < 12) in commit-graph file" >expect.err && test_cmp expect.err err > >Invalid type 'Q' in unpack at >/home/jenkinsbuild/.jenkins/workspace/Git_Pipeline/t/lib-chunk/corrupt-chun k >-file.pl line 31. >not ok 141 - Bloom reader notices too-small data chunk # #check_corrupt_graph >BDAT clear 00000000 && #echo "warning: ignoring too-small changed-path chunk" >\ >#"(4 < 12) in commit-graph file" >expect.err && #test_cmp expect.err err # > >expecting success of 4216.142 'Bloom reader notices out-of-bounds filter >offsets': >check_corrupt_graph BIDX 12 FFFFFFFF && ># use grep to avoid depending on exact chunk size grep "warning: ignoring out-of- >range offset (4294967295) for changed-path filter at pos 3 of >.git/objects/info/commit-graph" err > >Invalid type 'Q' in unpack at >/home/jenkinsbuild/.jenkins/workspace/Git_Pipeline/t/lib-chunk/corrupt-chun k >-file.pl line 31. >not ok 142 - Bloom reader notices out-of-bounds filter offsets # >#check_corrupt_graph BIDX 12 FFFFFFFF && ## use grep to avoid depending on >exact chunk size #grep "warning: ignoring out-of-range offset (4294967295) for >changed-path filter at pos 3 of .git/objects/info/commit-graph" err # > >expecting success of 4216.143 'Bloom reader notices too-small index chunk': ># replace the index with a single entry, making most # lookups out-of-bounds >check_corrupt_graph BIDX clear 00000000 && echo "warning: commit-graph >changed-path index chunk" \ "is too small" >expect.err && test_cmp expect.err err > >Invalid type 'Q' in unpack at >/home/jenkinsbuild/.jenkins/workspace/Git_Pipeline/t/lib-chunk/corrupt-chun k >-file.pl line 31. >not ok 143 - Bloom reader notices too-small index chunk # ## replace the index with >a single entry, making most ## lookups out-of-bounds #check_corrupt_graph BIDX >clear 00000000 && #echo "warning: commit-graph changed-path index chunk" \ >#"is too small" >expect.err && #test_cmp expect.err err # > >expecting success of 4216.144 'Bloom reader notices out-of-order index >offsets': ># we do not know any real offsets, but we can pick # something plausible; we >should not get to the point of # actually reading from the bogus offsets anyway. >corrupt_graph BIDX 4 0000000c00000005 && echo "warning: ignoring decreasing >changed-path index offsets" \ >"(12 > 5) for positions 1 and 2 of .git/objects/info/commit-graph" >>expect.err && >git -c core.commitGraph=false log -- A/B/file2 >expect.out && git -c >core.commitGraph=true log -- A/B/file2 >out 2>err && test_cmp expect.out out && >test_cmp expect.err err > >Invalid type 'Q' in unpack at >/home/jenkinsbuild/.jenkins/workspace/Git_Pipeline/t/lib-chunk/corrupt-chun k >-file.pl line 31. >not ok 144 - Bloom reader notices out-of-order index offsets # ## we do not know >any real offsets, but we can pick ## something plausible; we should not get to the >point of ## actually reading from the bogus offsets anyway. >#corrupt_graph BIDX 4 0000000c00000005 && #echo "warning: ignoring >decreasing changed-path index offsets" \ >#"(12 > 5) for positions 1 and 2 of .git/objects/info/commit-graph" >>expect.err && >#git -c core.commitGraph=false log -- A/B/file2 >expect.out && #git -c >core.commitGraph=true log -- A/B/file2 >out 2>err && #test_cmp expect.out out >&& #test_cmp expect.err err # > This same problem also happens in t5318, t5319, t5324 --Randall