Rocco Rutte wrote:
after importing the opensolaris hg repo into git, I noticed that git
gets confused if the repo contains files that clash on case-insensitive
filesystems (here on OS X, I can't test Cygwin and Win32). git-checkout
tells me that these files are modified, git-status gives me:
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/HB
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/HI
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/HX
# modified: usr/src/cmd/lp/filter/postscript/font/devpost/
# modified:
# modified: usr/src/lib/libldap4/common/Version.c
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
...without touching anything. Yes, there's a version.c file next to
Version.c, next to and so on.
I'm not really sure what I'm expecting git to do, but I guess I want it
to abort a checkout and only continue with -f. But at the very least, it
should issue a big fat warning (one may decide to work in some area
without clashes).
I really have no idea how to efficiently detect that at runtime and
which areas of git to look at for patching...
There are no areas in git to patch. There's no sane way to handle your
case, so the best you could opt for is to import it to a system with
sane case-handling, alter the repo so no two filenames clash, and then
check it out on your case-insensitive filesystem. Note that you'll
have to make sure that you never check anything out prior to the
commit that renames the case-name clashes, or you'll end up with this
same trouble all over again.
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