Hi, I just tried to clone a repo from a server over HTTPS, which failed with a message like this: error: (curl_result = 55, http_code = 0, sha1 = <XYZ> error: Unable to find <XYZ> under https://example.com/myrepo.git Fetching objects: 20790, done. Cannot obtain needed tree <XYZ> while processing commit <ABC> error: fetch failed. Every time I retried cloning, <XYZ> and <ABC> changed, but the error message was the same. By running "GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git clone https://example.com/myrepo.git", I noticed that: a) HTTP/2 was being used; and b) just before the error the server returned a GOAWAY [1]: "== Info: received GOAWAY, error=0, last_stream=1999" On the client side I'm using Debian Unstable (libcurl 8.3.0, git 2.40.1), and the server is running Debian Stable (nginx 1.22.1-9). nginx will, by default, close HTTP/2 connections after "http2_max_requests", (default: 1000, i.e. 1999 streams, note that the error message above says last_stream=1999) and it seems that it is using GOAWAY to do so, which seems to confuse git/libcurl. And sure enough, after running "git config --global http.version HTTP/1.1" on the client and trying again, the "git clone" was successful (I'm guessing I could/should also bump http2_max_requests on the server). >From what I understand, git should close the connection, try to open a new one and resume the clone operation before erroring out (because the GOAWAY message could mean anything). Is this a known bug and is it something that would need to be fixed in libcurl or in git? Cheers, David PS. Not subscribed, please CC: me on any replies. [1] https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7540#section-6.8 [2] http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_v2_module.html#http2_max_requests