Hi everybody, As I mentioned a ~month ago[1], GitHub is not hosting an in-person Git Merge this year. Instead, we're focusing our efforts on hosting a Virtual Contributor's Summit, the details of which are below. - We'll host the Contributor's Summit on either Zoom or Microsoft Teams (since GitHub is in the process of transitioning from the former to the latter). - The schedule/duration is not fixed, there are options to vote on preferred days, length, and timezones in the form(s) below. - To participate, you must be either (a) an active Git contributor, (b) planning on contributing soon, or (c) working on a Git-related project that has interest in Git's internals. If you aren't sure whether or not you are welcome, please ask! Participants should fill out the following forms: - https://forms.gle/xiRcJWBAWJjWR7Zh6 (participants) - https://forms.gle/rQ5oWVSVBwyPZ1K29 (topics) The participants and topics lists are being recorded in the spreadsheet below, and this is also the place to record your vote(s) on topic selection. http://bit.ly/git-contributors-summit-2023 Please send any feedback or suggestions you have for this year's Contributor's Summit to me on- or off-list. My hope for this year is to have a smaller, remote-friendly, diverse, and efficient discussion. As we get closer to the date, we'll finalize the schedule, make sure we have volunteers to take notes, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody (virtually) soon :-). Thanks, Taylor [1]: https://lore.kernel.org/git/ZJoDjnr+FkgrDsKA@nand.local/