I would prefer to keep the default at "mixed" mode, set the focus on
radio button to make it easy to switch to "hard" mode by hitting the
Down arrow key, and then make it so that Enter triggers the OK button.
That indeed sounds better! Safer but still convenient. I'll change the
solution to this.
I noticed that some dialogues have a key bind to close with success
using Enter.
On 2023-06-28 07:46, Johannes Sixt wrote:
Am 27.06.23 um 16:41 schrieb Jens Lidestrom via GitGitGadget:
From: Jens Lidestrom <jens@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reset hard is dangerous but also the most common reset type, and not
having it pre-selected in the dialog is annoying to users.
I agree that the operation of the Reset dialog is clumsy before this
series. However, this patch together with the previous patch turns it
into a foot gun. It becomes far too easy to destroy uncommitted work.
I would prefer to keep the default at "mixed" mode, set the focus on
radio button to make it easy to switch to "hard" mode by hitting the
Down arrow key, and then make it so that Enter triggers the OK button.
It is also less dangerous in the GUI where there is a confirmation
dialog. Also, dangling commits remain in the GUI and can be recovered.
The problem with "hard" mode are not the commits. The real danger is
that it blows away uncommitted changes. Besides of that, I do not
consider this UI a confirmation dialog.
-- Hannes
Signed-off-by: Jens Lidestrom <jens@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
gitk-git/gitk | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/gitk-git/gitk b/gitk-git/gitk
index 9d93053e360..5b0a0ea46be 100755
--- a/gitk-git/gitk
+++ b/gitk-git/gitk
@@ -9906,7 +9906,9 @@ proc resethead {reset_target_id} {
[mc "Reset branch %s to %s?" $mainhead [commit_name
$reset_target_id 1]]
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
${NS}::labelframe $w.f -text [mc "Reset type:"]
- set resettype mixed
+ # Reset hard is dangerous but also the most common reset type,
and not
+ # having it pre-selected in the dialog is annoying to users.
+ set resettype hard
${NS}::radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype \
-text [mc "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"]
grid $w.f.soft -sticky w