Our developer group has a shared git repository at git@git.
Each developer has established their own local repository by running:
git clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev
git config remote.origin.push master:refs/remotes/<username>/master
Each developer then does a `git pull` to update their master branch,
merges their changes from their local topic branches, and then does
`git push` to make the results available at git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev.
As the integrator, I have then been ssh'ing into the git@git.
1kstudios.lan machine, cd'ing to "dev" and doing:
git merge <username>/master
to incorporate their changes after running `git diff` to see what the
changes are.
My own development repository is set up identically to the other
What I would like to do now is clone the git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev
repository on my local machine a second time, checkout a <username>/
master branch in that repository, and then use BBEdit's graphical
diff to visually see the changes between my own repository and what
another developer has pushed to the shared repository. I'll then
merge them into my own developer repository and push that to the
shared repository for the rest of the developers to pull from, so no
longer will I merge by ssh'ing into the machine with the shared
The problem is, when I clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev, the various
<username>/master's aren't there. I have tried a bunch of different
ways, but they all give me errors. For example:
> logan-2:~ ocean$ git clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dev commiters
> Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ocean/commiters/.git/
> git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
> remote: Generating pack...
> remote: Done counting 7029 objects.
> remote: Deltifying 7029 objects...
> remote: 100% (7029/7029) done
> Indexing 7029 objects...
> remote: Total 7029 (delta 3334), reused 2456 (delta 1154)
> 100% (7029/7029) done
> Resolving 3334 deltas...
> 100% (3334/3334) done
> Checking 3864 files out...
> 100% (3864/3864) done
> logan-2:~ ocean$ cd commiters
> logan-2:~/commiters ocean$ git branch
> * masterlogan-2:~/commiters ocean$ git checkout -b jchumley/master
> git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching
How can I access remote branches in a cloned repository on my local
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