On Friday, May 5, 2023 10:51 AM, Shafiq Jetha wrote: >It would be nice if we could add images directly to commit messages via git. The >reason for this is so that we can view the history and see real examples of important >UI elements. Usually during a PR we provide screenshots so that people can see how >the change affects UI elements, or to show the output of specific commands that >might show specific data in specific scenarios. I can also see this being useful for >people that work on projects where code produces some sort of visual output where >words cannot accurately describe the changes (a picture is worth 1000 words, right?). > >It would be great if this sort of an integration could be considered, and I know that >this would mean updating the clients, specifically the command-based clients, to >interpret these images and provide a way to render them or display a link to them in >some fashion. There's also the question of whether to embed the images directly in >the commit message or to link out to them and download them as artefacts of the >repo. And then there is the everlasting question of whether or not a git repo should >contain build artefacts at all (since it can be argued that an image is a build >artefact). >Lots of things to consider but I hope that I have at least started a dialogue for this to >be explored further. My team has a similar use case. We adopted a few ticket systems - depending on our git upstream - including Jira and GitHub Issues. Both provide the capability to upload images and have discussions during the PR referencing the original ticket via the commit content. The commit comment simply needs to reference the issue through the integration provided by the ticket systems. Something like this might solve your need and is off the shelf. --Randall