Re: Re* --creation-factor=100 does not show code

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Hello, everybody.
Sorry, if I bring back old theme, but --creation-factor again bother me.

When I provide a bit higher value, then command compares wrong commits.

I attached the file with my branches and two git commands with creation factor of 108 and 109 respectively.
For second case, when I used 109, I get unexpected output from git. Two unrelated commits are compared.

Could it be possible to consider commit messages?

In my case commit messages "Renamed: replace -> update" are same and are located in same point of history.
Thus, to my mind, they should be diffed.

Best regards,
Eugen Konkov 
git version 2.40.0

Expected output:
git range-diff --creation-factor=108 modalnew...refactoring
 1:  d1bbaf5 !  1:  015bc3e Renamed: replace -> update
    @@ src/views/blocks/common/form.html: response<br>
          $( '#ajax-form' ).data( 'replace-form', 'yes' );
        " value="Replace form"/>

    + ## src/views/blocks/common/modal.html ##
    +       <br>
    +       <!-- Form should not be closed if content received -->
    +       <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="
    +-        $( this.form ).attr( 'action', '/replace-content.html' );
    +-      ">Send 200 & display</button><br>
    ++        $( this.form ).attr( 'action', '/update-content.html' );
    ++      ">Send 200 & display HTML</button><br>
    +       <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="
    +-        $( this.form ).attr( 'action', '/replace-content.json' );
    +-      ">Send 200 & display</button><br>
    ++        $( this.form ).attr( 'action', '/update-content.json' );
    ++      ">Send 200 & display JSON</button><br>
    +       <br>
    +       <!-- Form should not be closed if error occur -->
 2:  d7792ad =  2:  62343cd Implemented tests for messages with different types
 3:  c681ba1 =  3:  307203e Removed ajaxFormModal: No reason to duplicate code
 4:  1c0919e =  4:  804922f Changed function name: give_name ->after_submit_handler_name
 5:  9cdaeb3 =  5:  50573a9 Improved text on example page
 6:  0e8defa =  6:  4263831 Renamed flag which controls how deal with new content: replace-form -> replace-me
 7:  068723b =  7:  3ac9601 Removed outdated example
 8:  c7f6e55 =  8:  05f4206 Renamed: form -> containerEl
 9:  8405d9e =  9:  9b58983 FIXED: html not defined
10:  90e76c0 = 10:  d169cf6 Remove useless parameter
11:  fe80807 = 11:  31dc239 Added more logging and messages to user
12:  46caa01 = 12:  2f235a5 Implement and reuse processResponse
 -:  ------- > 13:  b2c417e Renamed: form -> triggerEl
 -:  ------- > 14:  39470fb Moved code to its own function
 -:  ------- > 15:  1ed3596 Pass target element explicitly
 -:  ------- > 16:  305ea24 Be more explecit about content
 -:  ------- > 17:  a3b1bb2 Improved displayResponse
 -:  ------- > 18:  aa25331 Improved examples for lazy loading
 -:  ------- > 19:  5183551 Improved documentation for lazy_load
 -:  ------- > 20:  3632554 Improved text for examples
 -:  ------- > 21:  1586539 Options should be on trigger element and not on target
 -:  ------- > 22:  ef069d7 Improved comment
 -:  ------- > 23:  e9ae2a3 Improved documentation
 -:  ------- > 24:  395ddf9 Do not close modal window when ESC is keypressed and there is not an active modal window
 -:  ------- > 25:  fa75d0e Implemented deprecation message about 'data-close-modal'
 -:  ------- > 26:  5daa3ef Close modal when response was processed
 -:  ------- > 27:  f83a68e Improved example message
 -:  ------- > 28:  5790dc8 Extended tests for button/input/link
 -:  ------- > 29:  a19a3ae BUGFIX: Do not scroll when a link button is pressed
 -:  ------- > 30:  3928191 Hint type was changed: warning -> error
 -:  ------- > 31:  a023d27 Issue warning when we are trying to load content into button
 -:  ------- > 32:  9fc16f6 Put simple functionality first
 -:  ------- > 33:  daad594 Typo fix
 -:  ------- > 34:  53329f9 Removed A::SaveData module
 -:  ------- > 35:  deecd9c Simplified code
 -:  ------- > 36:  8c8dbc0 Removed
 -:  ------- > 37:  5016343 Update to Mojolicious v9.31
 -:  ------- > 38:  3bc7958 Updated modules
 -:  ------- > 39:  95a704d Install missed module
 -:  ------- > 40:  802df67 This project does not have Globals. We provide modules location via command line
 -:  ------- > 41:  05cf81a Do not query live servers while testing

Not expected output:
git range-diff --creation-factor=109 modalnew...refactoring
 -:  ------- >  1:  015bc3e Renamed: replace -> update
 2:  d7792ad =  2:  62343cd Implemented tests for messages with different types
 3:  c681ba1 =  3:  307203e Removed ajaxFormModal: No reason to duplicate code
 4:  1c0919e =  4:  804922f Changed function name: give_name ->after_submit_handler_name
 5:  9cdaeb3 =  5:  50573a9 Improved text on example page
 6:  0e8defa =  6:  4263831 Renamed flag which controls how deal with new content: replace-form -> replace-me
 7:  068723b =  7:  3ac9601 Removed outdated example
 8:  c7f6e55 =  8:  05f4206 Renamed: form -> containerEl
 9:  8405d9e =  9:  9b58983 FIXED: html not defined
10:  90e76c0 = 10:  d169cf6 Remove useless parameter
11:  fe80807 = 11:  31dc239 Added more logging and messages to user
12:  46caa01 = 12:  2f235a5 Implement and reuse processResponse
 -:  ------- > 13:  b2c417e Renamed: form -> triggerEl
 -:  ------- > 14:  39470fb Moved code to its own function
 -:  ------- > 15:  1ed3596 Pass target element explicitly
 -:  ------- > 16:  305ea24 Be more explecit about content
 -:  ------- > 17:  a3b1bb2 Improved displayResponse
 -:  ------- > 18:  aa25331 Improved examples for lazy loading
 -:  ------- > 19:  5183551 Improved documentation for lazy_load
 -:  ------- > 20:  3632554 Improved text for examples
 -:  ------- > 21:  1586539 Options should be on trigger element and not on target
 -:  ------- > 22:  ef069d7 Improved comment
 -:  ------- > 23:  e9ae2a3 Improved documentation
 -:  ------- > 24:  395ddf9 Do not close modal window when ESC is keypressed and there is not an active modal window
 -:  ------- > 25:  fa75d0e Implemented deprecation message about 'data-close-modal'
 -:  ------- > 26:  5daa3ef Close modal when response was processed
 -:  ------- > 27:  f83a68e Improved example message
 -:  ------- > 28:  5790dc8 Extended tests for button/input/link
 -:  ------- > 29:  a19a3ae BUGFIX: Do not scroll when a link button is pressed
 -:  ------- > 30:  3928191 Hint type was changed: warning -> error
 -:  ------- > 31:  a023d27 Issue warning when we are trying to load content into button
 -:  ------- > 32:  9fc16f6 Put simple functionality first
 -:  ------- > 33:  daad594 Typo fix
 -:  ------- > 34:  53329f9 Removed A::SaveData module
 -:  ------- > 35:  deecd9c Simplified code
 -:  ------- > 36:  8c8dbc0 Removed
 -:  ------- > 37:  5016343 Update to Mojolicious v9.31
 1:  d1bbaf5 ! 38:  3bc7958 Renamed: replace -> update
    @@ Metadata
     Author: Eugen Konkov <konkove@xxxxxxxxx>

      ## Commit message ##
    -    Renamed: replace -> update
    +    Updated modules

    -    Because we just send content and not command to from interface
    - ## gulp/config-mock.js ##
    - module.exports = {
    -   option: {
    --    "/replace-content.html": {
    -+    "/update-content.html": {
    -       "GET": {
    -         code: "200",
    -         header:  [ "Content-Type", "text/html" ],
    --        file: "mock/replace-content.html",
    -+        file: "mock/update-content.html",
    -       },
    -     },
    --    "/replace-content.json": {
    -+    "/update-content.json": {
    -       "GET": {
    -         code: "200",
    --        file: "mock/replace-content.json",
    -+        file: "mock/update-content.json",
    -       },
    -     },
    - ## mock/replace-content.html => mock/update-content.html ##
    - ## mock/replace-content.json => mock/update-content.json ##
    - ## src/views/blocks/common/form.html ##
    -@@ src/views/blocks/common/form.html: response<br>
    -   <br>
    -   <input  type='submit' class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 170px" onclick="
    --    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/replace-content.html' );
    -+    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/update-content.html' );
    -   " value="No replacement"/>
    -   <input  type='submit' class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 170px" onclick="
    --    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/replace-content.html' );
    -+    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/update-content.html' );
    -     $( '#ajax-form' ).data( 'load-to', '#form-result' );
    -   " value="Load into target"/>
    -   <input  type='submit' class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 170px" onclick="
    --    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/replace-content.json' );
    -+    $( '#ajax-form' ).attr( 'action', '/update-content.json' );
    -     $( '#ajax-form' ).data( 'replace-form', 'yes' );
    -   " value="Replace form"/>
    + ## cpanfile.snapshot ##
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Algorithm::Diff::_impl 1.201
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++  Algorithm-Loops-1.032
    ++    pathname: T/TY/TYEMQ/Algorithm-Loops-1.032.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Algorithm::Loops 1.032
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +   App-cpm-0.997011
    +     pathname: S/SK/SKAJI/App-cpm-0.997011.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Math::BigInt 0
    +       perl 5.006
    +-  DBD-Pg-3.15.1
    +-    pathname: T/TU/TURNSTEP/DBD-Pg-3.15.1.tar.gz
    ++  DBD-Pg-3.16.1
    ++    pathname: T/TU/TURNSTEP/DBD-Pg-3.16.1.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +-      Bundle::DBD::Pg v3.15.1
    +-      DBD::Pg v3.15.1
    ++      Bundle::DBD::Pg v3.16.1
    ++      DBD::Pg v3.16.1
    +     requirements:
    +-      DBI 1.614
    +-      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.11
    +-      File::Temp 0
    +-      Test::More 0.88
    +-      Time::HiRes 0
    +-      version 0
    +   DBD-SQLite-1.70
    +     pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/DBD-SQLite-1.70.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Sub::Install 0.921
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  Data-Printer-1.000004
    +-    pathname: G/GA/GARU/Data-Printer-1.000004.tar.gz
    ++  Data-Printer-1.001000
    ++    pathname: G/GA/GARU/Data-Printer-1.001000.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +-      DDP undef
    +-      Data::Printer 1.000004
    ++      DDP 1.001000
    ++      Data::Printer 1.001000
    +       Data::Printer::Common undef
    +       Data::Printer::Config undef
    +       Data::Printer::Filter undef
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  DateTime-1.58
    +-    pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-1.58.tar.gz
    +-    provides:
    +-      DateTime 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Duration 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Helpers 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Infinite 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Infinite::Future 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Infinite::Past 1.58
    +-      DateTime::LeapSecond 1.58
    +-      DateTime::PP 1.58
    +-      DateTime::PPExtra 1.58
    +-      DateTime::Types 1.58
    ++  DateTime-1.59
    ++    pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-1.59.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      DateTime 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Duration 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Helpers 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Infinite 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Infinite::Future 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Infinite::Past 1.59
    ++      DateTime::LeapSecond 1.59
    ++      DateTime::PP 1.59
    ++      DateTime::PPExtra 1.59
    ++      DateTime::Types 1.59
    +     requirements:
    +       Carp 0
    +       DateTime::Locale 1.06
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Specio::Subs 0
    +       Try::Tiny 0
    +       XSLoader 0
    +-      base 0
    +       integer 0
    +       namespace::autoclean 0.19
    +       overload 0
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001011
    +       perl 5.006
    ++  Devel-GlobalPhase-0.003003
    ++    pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Devel-GlobalPhase-0.003003.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Devel::GlobalPhase 0.003003
    ++    requirements:
    ++      perl 5.008
    +   Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007
    +     pathname: I/IL/ILMARI/Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  Digest-HMAC-1.04
    +-    pathname: A/AR/ARODLAND/Digest-HMAC-1.04.tar.gz
    +-    provides:
    +-      Digest::HMAC 1.04
    +-      Digest::HMAC_MD5 1.04
    +-      Digest::HMAC_SHA1 1.04
    +-    requirements:
    +-      Digest::MD5 2
    +-      Digest::SHA 1
    +-      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +-      perl 5.004
    +   Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11
    +     pathname: D/DO/DOY/Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Mail::Address 0
    +-      Net::DNS 0
    +       Scalar::Util 0
    +       Test::More 0
    +       perl 5.006
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  ExtUtils-Install-2.20
    ++    pathname: B/BI/BINGOS/ExtUtils-Install-2.20.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      ExtUtils::Install 2.20
    ++      ExtUtils::Install::Warn 2.20
    ++      ExtUtils::Installed 2.20
    ++      ExtUtils::Packlist 2.20
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Cwd 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      File::Basename 0
    ++      File::Compare 0
    ++      File::Copy 0
    ++      File::Find 0
    ++      File::Path 0
    ++      File::Spec 0
    ++      File::Temp 0
    ++      Test::More 0.47
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012
    +     pathname: L/LE/LEONT/ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.64
    ++    pathname: B/BI/BINGOS/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.64.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      ExtUtils::Command 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::Command::MM 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::Liblist 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_AIX 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Any 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_BeOS 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_DOS 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Darwin 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_MacOS 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_NW5 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_OS2 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_OS390 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_QNX 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_UWIN 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Unix 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_VMS 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_VOS 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Win32 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MM_Win95 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MY 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::charstar 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::Mksymlists 7.64
    ++      ExtUtils::testlib 7.64
    ++      MM 7.64
    ++      MY 7.64
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Data::Dumper 0
    ++      Encode 0
    ++      File::Basename 0
    ++      File::Spec 0.8
    ++      Pod::Man 0
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09
    +     pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       File::Which 0.05
    +       POSIX 0
    +       perl 5.008003
    ++  File-Listing-6.15
    ++    pathname: P/PL/PLICEASE/File-Listing-6.15.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      File::Listing 6.15
    ++      File::Listing::apache 6.15
    ++      File::Listing::dosftp 6.15
    ++      File::Listing::netware 6.15
    ++      File::Listing::unix 6.15
    ++      File::Listing::vms 6.15
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Exporter 5.57
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      HTTP::Date 0
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   File-Remove-1.61
    +     pathname: S/SH/SHLOMIF/File-Remove-1.61.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  Filter-signatures-0.17
    ++    pathname: C/CO/CORION/Filter-signatures-0.17.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Filter::signatures 0.17
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Filter::Simple 0.91
    ++      perl 5.006
    ++  Future-0.48
    ++    pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/Future-0.48.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Future 0.48
    ++      Future::Exception 0.48
    ++      Future::Mutex 0.48
    ++      Future::Queue 0.48
    ++      Future::Utils 0.48
    ++      Test::Future 0.48
    ++      Test::Future::Deferred 0.48
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 1.25
    ++      Module::Build 0.4004
    ++      Test::Builder::Module 0
    ++      Time::HiRes 0
    ++      perl 5.010
    ++  Future-HTTP-0.14
    ++    pathname: C/CO/CORION/Future-HTTP-0.14.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Future::HTTP 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::AnyEvent 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::Handler 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::Mojo 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::NetAsync 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::Tiny 0.14
    ++      Future::HTTP::Tiny::Paranoid 0.14
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Filter::signatures 0.13
    ++      Future 0.31
    ++      HTTP::Headers 6.07
    ++      HTTP::Tiny 0
    ++      Moo 2
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.110
    +     pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.110.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.012
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  HTML-Form-6.07
    ++    pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/HTML-Form-6.07.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      HTML::Form 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::FileInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::IgnoreInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::ImageInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::Input 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::KeygenInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::ListInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::SubmitInput 6.07
    ++      HTML::Form::TextInput 6.07
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Encode 2
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      HTML::TokeParser 0
    ++      HTTP::Request 6
    ++      HTTP::Request::Common 6.03
    ++      URI 1.10
    ++      perl 5.008001
    ++      strict 0
    ++      vars 0
    +   HTML-Parser-3.78
    +     pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/HTML-Parser-3.78.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       URI::URL 0
    +       XSLoader 0
    +       strict 0
    ++  HTML-Selector-XPath-0.26
    ++    pathname: C/CO/CORION/HTML-Selector-XPath-0.26.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      HTML::Selector::XPath 0.26
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Exporter 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      perl 5.008001
    ++      strict 0
    +   HTML-Tagset-3.20
    +     pathname: P/PE/PETDANCE/HTML-Tagset-3.20.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +       HTML::Tagset 3.20
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++  HTML-Tree-5.07
    ++    pathname: K/KE/KENTNL/HTML-Tree-5.07.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      HTML::AsSubs 5.07
    ++      HTML::Element 5.07
    ++      HTML::Element::traverse 5.07
    ++      HTML::Parse 5.07
    ++      HTML::Tree 5.07
    ++      HTML::TreeBuilder 5.07
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Encode 0
    ++      Exporter 0
    ++      HTML::Entities 0
    ++      HTML::Parser 3.46
    ++      HTML::Tagset 3.02
    ++      Module::Build 0.2808
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    ++      Test::Fatal 0
    ++      Test::More 0
    ++      base 0
    ++      integer 0
    ++      perl 5.008
    ++  HTTP-Cookies-6.10
    ++    pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/HTTP-Cookies-6.10.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      HTTP::Cookies 6.10
    ++      HTTP::Cookies::Microsoft 6.10
    ++      HTTP::Cookies::Netscape 6.10
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      HTTP::Date 6
    ++      HTTP::Headers::Util 6
    ++      HTTP::Request 0
    ++      locale 0
    ++      perl 5.008001
    ++      strict 0
    +   HTTP-Date-6.05
    +     pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/HTTP-Date-6.05.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.008001
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  HTTP-Negotiate-6.01
    ++    pathname: G/GA/GAAS/HTTP-Negotiate-6.01.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      HTTP::Negotiate 6.01
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      HTTP::Headers 6
    ++      perl 5.008001
    +   HTTP-Tinyish-0.17
    +     pathname: M/MI/MIYAGAWA/HTTP-Tinyish-0.17.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Scalar::Util 0
    +       perl 5.008001
    ++  IO-Async-0.801
    ++    pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/IO-Async-0.801.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Future::IO::Impl::IOAsync undef
    ++      IO::Async 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Channel 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Debug 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::File 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::FileStream 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Function 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Future 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Handle 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Internals::ChildManager 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Internals::FunctionWorker 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Listener 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Loop 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Loop::Poll 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Loop::Select 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::LoopTests 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Metrics undef
    ++      IO::Async::Notifier 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::OS 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::OS::MSWin32 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::OS::cygwin 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::OS::linux 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::PID 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Process 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Protocol 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Protocol::Stream 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Resolver 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Routine 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Signal 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Socket 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Stream 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Test 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Timer 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Timer::Absolute 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Timer::Countdown 0.801
    ++      IO::Async::Timer::Periodic 0.801
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Exporter 5.57
    ++      File::stat 0
    ++      Future 0.33
    ++      Future::Utils 0.18
    ++      IO::Poll 0
    ++      List::Util 0
    ++      Module::Build 0.4004
    ++      Socket 2.007
    ++      Storable 0
    ++      Struct::Dumb 0
    ++      Time::HiRes 0
    ++      perl 5.008004
    +   IO-HTML-1.004
    +     pathname: C/CJ/CJM/IO-HTML-1.004.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Test::More 0.31
    +       Time::HiRes 0
    ++  Imager-1.019
    ++    pathname: T/TO/TONYC/Imager-1.019.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Imager 1.019
    ++      Imager::Color 1.015
    ++      Imager::Color::Float 1.008
    ++      Imager::Color::Table 1.004
    ++      Imager::CountColor 0.03
    ++      Imager::Expr 1.008
    ++      Imager::Expr::Assem 1.004
    ++      Imager::Expr::Infix 1.008
    ++      Imager::Expr::Postfix 1.008
    ++      Imager::ExtUtils 1.003
    ++      Imager::FORMATS 1.019
    ++      Imager::File::CUR 1.000
    ++      Imager::File::ICO 0.08
    ++      Imager::File::SGI 0.05
    ++      Imager::Fill 1.013
    ++      Imager::Filter::DynTest 0.03
    ++      Imager::Filter::Flines 0.04
    ++      Imager::Filter::Mandelbrot 0.05
    ++      Imager::Font 1.039
    ++      Imager::Font::BBox 1.007
    ++      Imager::Font::FreeType2 1.021
    ++      Imager::Font::Image 1.000
    ++      Imager::Font::Test 1.002
    ++      Imager::Font::Truetype 1.013
    ++      Imager::Font::Type1 1.013
    ++      Imager::Font::Wrap 1.005
    ++      Imager::Fountain 1.009
    ++      Imager::IO 1.019
    ++      Imager::Matrix2d 1.013
    ++      Imager::Preprocess 1.003
    ++      Imager::Probe 1.008
    ++      Imager::Regops 1.000
    ++      Imager::Test 1.007
    ++      Imager::Test::OverUtf8 1.007
    ++      Imager::Transform 1.007
    ++      Imager::TrimColorList 1.000
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Exporter 5.57
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Scalar::Util 1.00
    ++      Test::More 0.99
    ++      XSLoader 0
    ++  Imager-File-PNG-0.99
    ++    pathname: T/TO/TONYC/Imager-File-PNG-0.99.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Imager::File::PNG 0.99
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Imager 0.90
    ++      XSLoader 0
    +   Import-Into-1.002005
    +     pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Import-Into-1.002005.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  JSON-4.07
    ++    pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/JSON-4.07.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      JSON 4.07
    ++      JSON::Backend::PP 4.07
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Test::More 0
    +   JSON-MaybeXS-1.004003
    +     pathname: E/ET/ETHER/JSON-MaybeXS-1.004003.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       Moo 1.003
    +       Scalar::Util 0
    ++  Log-Log4perl-1.57
    ++    pathname: E/ET/ETJ/Log-Log4perl-1.57.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      L4pResurrectable 0.01
    ++      Log::Log4perl 1.57
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::Buffer 1.53
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::File undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::Limit 1.53
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::RRDs undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColoredLevels undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::Socket undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::String undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized 1.53
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestArrayBuffer undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestBuffer undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestFileCreeper undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Catalyst 1.53
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Config undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Config::BaseConfigurator undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Config::DOMConfigurator 0.03
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Config::PropertyConfigurator undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Config::Watch undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::DateFormat undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter::Boolean undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter::MDC undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::InternalDebug undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::ConsoleAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::FileAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::JDBCAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::NTEventLogAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::RollingFileAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::SyslogAppender undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::TestBuffer undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Layout undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Level undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Logger undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::MDC undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::NDC undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Resurrector undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Util undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore undef
    ++      Log::Log4perl::Util::TimeTracker undef
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      File::Path 2.07
    ++      File::Spec 0.82
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   MIME-Charset-1.012.2
    +     pathname: N/NE/NEZUMI/MIME-Charset-1.012.2.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.012
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  Modern-Perl-1.20220515
    +-    pathname: C/CH/CHROMATIC/Modern-Perl-1.20220515.tar.gz
    ++  Modern-Perl-1.20230106
    ++    pathname: C/CH/CHROMATIC/Modern-Perl-1.20230106.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +-      Modern::Perl 1.20220515
    +-      odern::Perl 1.20220515
    ++      Modern::Perl 1.20230106
    ++      odern::Perl 1.20230106
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       IO::File 0
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       File::Spec 3.00
    +       File::Spec::Functions 0
    +       if 0
    +-      perl 5.005030
    ++      perl 5.00503
    +       strict 0
    +   Module-Runtime-0.016
    +     pathname: Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Module-Runtime-0.016.tar.gz
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Scalar::Util 0
    +       YAML::PP 0.027
    +       perl 5.008001
    +-  Mojolicious-9.26
    +-    pathname: S/SR/SRI/Mojolicious-9.26.tar.gz
    ++  Mojolicious-9.31
    ++    pathname: S/SR/SRI/Mojolicious-9.31.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +       Mojo undef
    +       Mojo::Asset undef
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor undef
    +       Mojo::Util undef
    +       Mojo::WebSocket undef
    +-      Mojolicious 9.26
    ++      Mojolicious 9.31
    +       Mojolicious::Command undef
    +       Mojolicious::Command::Author::cpanify undef
    +       Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate undef
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.008001
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  Net-DNS-1.34
    +-    pathname: N/NL/NLNETLABS/Net-DNS-1.34.tar.gz
    +-    provides:
    +-      Net::DNS 1.34
    +-      Net::DNS::Domain 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::DomainName 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::DomainName1035 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::DomainName2535 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Header 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Mailbox 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Mailbox1035 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Mailbox2535 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Nameserver 1860
    +-      Net::DNS::Packet 1865
    +-      Net::DNS::Parameters 1865
    +-      Net::DNS::Question 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::RR 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::A 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::AAAA 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::AFSDB 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::AMTRELAY 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::APL 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::APL::Item 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CAA 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CDNSKEY 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CDS 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CERT 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CNAME 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::CSYNC 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::DHCID 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::DNAME 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::DNSKEY 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::DS 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::EUI48 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::EUI64 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::GPOS 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::HINFO 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::HIP 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::HTTPS 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::IPSECKEY 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::ISDN 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::KEY 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::KX 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::L32 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::L64 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::LOC 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::LP 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::MB 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::MG 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::MINFO 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::MR 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::MX 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NAPTR 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NID 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NS 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NSEC 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3PARAM 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::NULL 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPENPGPKEY 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::CHAIN 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::CLIENT_SUBNET 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::COOKIE 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::DAU 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::DHU 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::EXPIRE 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::EXTENDED_ERROR 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::KEY_TAG 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::N3U 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::PADDING 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::OPT::TCP_KEEPALIVE 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::PTR 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::PX 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::RP 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::RT 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SIG 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SMIMEA 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SOA 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SPF 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SRV 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SSHFP 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::SVCB 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::TKEY 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::TLSA 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::TSIG 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::TXT 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::URI 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::X25 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::RR::ZONEMD 1857
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::Base 1864
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::MSWin32 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::UNIX 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::android 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::cygwin 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::os2 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Resolver::os390 1856
    +-      Net::DNS::Text 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::Update 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::ZoneFile 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::ZoneFile::Generator 1855
    +-      Net::DNS::ZoneFile::Text 1855
    +-    requirements:
    +-      Carp 1.1
    +-      Digest::HMAC 1.03
    +-      Digest::MD5 2.13
    +-      Digest::SHA 5.23
    +-      Encode 2.26
    +-      Exporter 5.56
    +-      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.66
    +-      File::Spec 0.86
    +-      Getopt::Long 2.43
    +-      IO::File 1.08
    +-      IO::Select 1.14
    +-      IO::Socket 1.26
    +-      IO::Socket::IP 0.38
    +-      MIME::Base64 2.13
    +-      PerlIO 1.05
    +-      Scalar::Util 1.25
    +-      Time::Local 1.19
    +-      perl 5.008009
    ++  Net-Async-WebSocket-0.13
    ++    pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/Net-Async-WebSocket-0.13.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Net::Async::WebSocket 0.13
    ++      Net::Async::WebSocket::Client 0.13
    ++      Net::Async::WebSocket::Protocol 0.13
    ++      Net::Async::WebSocket::Server 0.13
    ++    requirements:
    ++      IO::Async::Listener 0.61
    ++      IO::Async::Notifier 0.63
    ++      IO::Async::Stream 0.34
    ++      Module::Build 0.4004
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket 0.22
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Frame 0
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Client 0
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Server 0
    ++      Sub::Util 1.40
    ++      URI 0
    ++      perl 5.010
    ++  Net-HTTP-6.22
    ++    pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/Net-HTTP-6.22.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Net::HTTP 6.22
    ++      Net::HTTP::Methods 6.22
    ++      Net::HTTP::NB 6.22
    ++      Net::HTTPS 6.22
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Compress::Raw::Zlib 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      IO::Socket::INET 0
    ++      IO::Uncompress::Gunzip 0
    ++      URI 0
    ++      base 0
    ++      perl 5.006002
    ++      strict 0
    ++      warnings 0
    ++  Object-Import-1.005
    ++    pathname: C/CO/CORION/Object-Import-1.005.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Object::Import 1.005
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      File::Temp 0
    ++      IO::Handle 0
    ++      MRO::Compat 0
    ++      Math::BigInt 1.59
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    ++      Test::More 0.47
    ++      perl 5.008
    ++      strict 0
    ++      warnings 0
    ++  PDF-WebKit-1.2
    ++    pathname: M/MI/MITHALDU/PDF-WebKit-1.2.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      PDF::WebKit 1.2
    ++      PDF::WebKit::Configuration undef
    ++      PDF::WebKit::Source undef
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.42
    ++      IPC::Run3 0
    ++      Moo 0
    ++      Test::Spec 0
    ++      namespace::clean 0
    ++      perl 5.008008
    +   Package-DeprecationManager-0.17
    +     pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Package-DeprecationManager-0.17.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.008
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    +-  Pod-Parser-1.65
    +-    pathname: M/MA/MAREKR/Pod-Parser-1.65.tar.gz
    +-    provides:
    +-      Pod::Cache 1.65
    +-      Pod::Cache::Item 1.65
    +-      Pod::Find 1.65
    +-      Pod::Hyperlink 1.65
    +-      Pod::InputObjects 1.65
    +-      Pod::InputSource 1.65
    +-      Pod::InteriorSequence 1.65
    +-      Pod::List 1.65
    +-      Pod::Paragraph 1.65
    +-      Pod::ParseTree 1.65
    +-      Pod::ParseUtils 1.65
    +-      Pod::Parser 1.65
    +-      Pod::PlainText 2.07
    +-      Pod::Select 1.65
    ++  PerlX-Maybe-1.202
    ++    pathname: T/TO/TOBYINK/PerlX-Maybe-1.202.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      PerlX::Maybe 1.202
    ++      Syntax::Feature::Maybe 1.202
    +     requirements:
    +-      Cwd 0
    +-      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +-      File::Basename 0
    +-      Test::More 0.6
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.17
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    ++      perl 5.006
    ++  Protocol-WebSocket-0.26
    ++    pathname: V/VT/VTI/Protocol-WebSocket-0.26.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket 0.26
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Client undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Request undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Cookie::Response undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Frame undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Client undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Server undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Message undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Request undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Response undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::Stateful undef
    ++      Protocol::WebSocket::URL undef
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Digest::MD5 0
    ++      Digest::SHA 0
    ++      Module::Build::Tiny 0.035
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    +   Regexp-Common-2017060201
    +     pathname: A/AB/ABIGAIL/Regexp-Common-2017060201.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Sub::Quote 0
    +       Try::Tiny 0.04
    +       perl 5.008001
    ++  Scalar-List-Utils-1.62
    ++    pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/Scalar-List-Utils-1.62.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      List::Util 1.62
    ++      List::Util::XS 1.62
    ++      Scalar::Util 1.62
    ++      Sub::Util 1.62
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      perl 5.006
    +   Scope-Guard-0.21
    +     pathname: C/CH/CHOCOLATE/Scope-Guard-0.21.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       perl 5.008001
    +       strict 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  Struct-Dumb-0.12
    ++    pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/Struct-Dumb-0.12.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Struct::Dumb 0.12
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Module::Build 0.4004
    +   Sub-Exporter-0.988
    +     pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Sub-Exporter-0.988.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Test::Harness 3.35
    +       Test::More 1.302047
    +       Test::Warn 0.30
    ++  Test-Spec-0.54
    ++    pathname: A/AK/AKZHAN/Test-Spec-0.54.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Test::Spec 0.54
    ++      Test::Spec::Context undef
    ++      Test::Spec::Example undef
    ++      Test::Spec::ExportProxy 0.54
    ++      Test::Spec::Mocks undef
    ++      Test::Spec::Mocks::Expectation undef
    ++      Test::Spec::Mocks::MockObject undef
    ++      Test::Spec::Mocks::Stub undef
    ++      Test::Spec::SharedHash undef
    ++      Test::Spec::TodoExample undef
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Devel::GlobalPhase 0
    ++      Exporter 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      List::Util 0
    ++      Package::Stash 0.23
    ++      Scalar::Util 1.11
    ++      TAP::Parser 0
    ++      Test::Deep 0.103
    ++      Test::More 0.88
    ++      Test::Trap 0
    ++      Tie::IxHash 0
    ++      constant 0
    ++  Test-Trap-v0.3.4
    ++    pathname: E/EB/EBHANSSEN/Test-Trap-v0.3.4.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Test::Trap v0.3.4
    ++      Test::Trap::Builder v0.3.4
    ++      Test::Trap::Builder::PerlIO v0.3.4
    ++      Test::Trap::Builder::SystemSafe v0.3.4
    ++      Test::Trap::Builder::TempFile v0.3.4
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Config 0
    ++      Data::Dump 0
    ++      Exporter 0
    ++      File::Temp 0
    ++      IO::Handle 0
    ++      Module::Build 0
    ++      Test::Builder 0
    ++      Test::More 0
    ++      Test::Tester 0.107
    ++      base 0
    ++      constant 0
    ++      lib 0
    ++      perl v5.6.2
    ++      strict 0
    ++      version 0
    ++      warnings 0
    +   Test-Warn-0.36
    +     pathname: B/BI/BIGJ/Test-Warn-0.36.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       Tie::Handle 0
    +       perl 5.006
    +       strict 0
    ++  Tie-IxHash-1.23
    ++    pathname: C/CH/CHORNY/Tie-IxHash-1.23.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Tie::IxHash 1.23
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Test::More 0
    ++      perl 5.005
    +   Tie-ToObject-0.03
    +     pathname: N/NU/NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       strict 0
    +       utf8 0
    +       warnings 0
    ++  URI-ws-0.03
    ++    pathname: P/PL/PLICEASE/URI-ws-0.03.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      URI::ws 0.03
    ++      URI::wss 0.03
    ++    requirements:
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
    ++      URI 0
    +   Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001
    +     pathname: N/NE/NEZUMI/Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       base 0
    +       lib 0
    +       perl 5.008
    ++  WWW-Mechanize-2.10
    ++    pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/WWW-Mechanize-2.10.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      WWW::Mechanize 2.10
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Image 2.10
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Link 2.10
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Getopt::Long 0
    ++      HTML::Form 1.00
    ++      HTML::HeadParser 0
    ++      HTML::TokeParser 0
    ++      HTML::TreeBuilder 5
    ++      HTTP::Cookies 0
    ++      HTTP::Request 1.30
    ++      HTTP::Request::Common 0
    ++      LWP::UserAgent 6.45
    ++      Pod::Usage 0
    ++      Scalar::Util 1.14
    ++      Tie::RefHash 0
    ++      URI::URL 0
    ++      URI::file 0
    ++      base 0
    ++      perl 5.006
    ++      strict 0
    ++      warnings 0
    ++  WWW-Mechanize-Chrome-0.68
    ++    pathname: C/CO/CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Chrome-0.68.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Target 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::AnyEvent 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::Mojo 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::NetAsync 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::Pipe 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::Pipe::AnyEvent 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::Pipe::Mojo 0.68
    ++      Chrome::DevToolsProtocol::Transport::Pipe::NetAsync 0.68
    ++      HTTP::Cookies::ChromeDevTools 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::Cookbook 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::DSL 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::Examples 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::Node 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::Troubleshooting 0.68
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Chrome::URLBlacklist 0.68
    ++      Win32::InheritHandles 0.68
    ++    requirements:
    ++      Algorithm::Loops 0
    ++      Carp 0
    ++      Exporter 5
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 5.52_01
    ++      File::Basename 0
    ++      File::Spec 0
    ++      Filter::signatures 0.16
    ++      Future 0.35
    ++      Future::HTTP 0.06
    ++      HTML::Selector::XPath 0
    ++      HTTP::Cookies 0
    ++      HTTP::Headers 0
    ++      HTTP::Response 0
    ++      IO::Async 0
    ++      IO::Socket::INET 0
    ++      IPC::Open3 0
    ++      Imager 0
    ++      Imager::File::PNG 0
    ++      JSON 0
    ++      Log::Log4perl 0
    ++      MIME::Base64 0
    ++      Moo 2
    ++      Net::Async::WebSocket::Client 0.12
    ++      Object::Import 0
    ++      POSIX 0
    ++      PerlX::Maybe 0
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    ++      Storable 0
    ++      Try::Tiny 0
    ++      URI 0
    ++      URI::file 0
    ++      URI::ws 0
    ++      WWW::Mechanize::Link 0
    ++      perl 5.010
    ++  WWW-RobotRules-6.02
    ++    pathname: G/GA/GAAS/WWW-RobotRules-6.02.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      WWW::RobotRules 6.02
    ++      WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File 6.00
    ++      WWW::RobotRules::InCore 6.02
    ++    requirements:
    ++      AnyDBM_File 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      Fcntl 0
    ++      URI 1.10
    ++      perl 5.008001
    +   Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001
    +     pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +       perl 5.008001
    +-  YAML-LibYAML-0.83
    +-    pathname: T/TI/TINITA/YAML-LibYAML-0.83.tar.gz
    ++  YAML-LibYAML-0.86
    ++    pathname: I/IN/INGY/YAML-LibYAML-0.86.tar.gz
    +     provides:
    +-      YAML::LibYAML 0.83
    +-      YAML::XS 0.83
    ++      YAML::LibYAML 0.86
    ++      YAML::XS 0.86
    +       YAML::XS::LibYAML undef
    +     requirements:
    +       ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    +@@ cpanfile.snapshot: DISTRIBUTIONS
    +       XSLoader 0
    +       lib 0
    +       perl 5.008001
    ++  libwww-perl-6.67
    ++    pathname: O/OA/OALDERS/libwww-perl-6.67.tar.gz
    ++    provides:
    ++      LWP 6.67
    ++      LWP::Authen::Basic 6.67
    ++      LWP::Authen::Digest 6.67
    ++      LWP::Authen::Ntlm 6.67
    ++      LWP::ConnCache 6.67
    ++      LWP::Debug 6.67
    ++      LWP::Debug::TraceHTTP 6.67
    ++      LWP::DebugFile 6.67
    ++      LWP::MemberMixin 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::cpan 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::data 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::file 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::ftp 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::gopher 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::http 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::loopback 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::mailto 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::nntp 6.67
    ++      LWP::Protocol::nogo 6.67
    ++      LWP::RobotUA 6.67
    ++      LWP::Simple 6.67
    ++      LWP::UserAgent 6.67
    ++    requirements:
    ++      CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.120620
    ++      Digest::MD5 0
    ++      Encode 2.12
    ++      Encode::Locale 0
    ++      ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
    ++      File::Copy 0
    ++      File::Listing 6
    ++      File::Temp 0
    ++      Getopt::Long 0
    ++      HTML::Entities 0
    ++      HTML::HeadParser 0
    ++      HTTP::Cookies 6
    ++      HTTP::Date 6
    ++      HTTP::Negotiate 6
    ++      HTTP::Request 6
    ++      HTTP::Request::Common 6
    ++      HTTP::Response 6
    ++      HTTP::Status 6.18
    ++      IO::Select 0
    ++      IO::Socket 0
    ++      LWP::MediaTypes 6
    ++      MIME::Base64 2.1
    ++      Module::Metadata 0
    ++      Net::FTP 2.58
    ++      Net::HTTP 6.18
    ++      Scalar::Util 0
    ++      Try::Tiny 0
    ++      URI 1.10
    ++      URI::Escape 0
    ++      WWW::RobotRules 6
    ++      parent 0.217
    ++      perl 5.008001
    ++      strict 0
    ++      warnings 0
    +   local-lib-2.000029
    +     pathname: H/HA/HAARG/local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz
    +     provides:
 -:  ------- > 39:  95a704d Install missed module
 -:  ------- > 40:  802df67 This project does not have Globals. We provide modules location via command line
 -:  ------- > 41:  05cf81a Do not query live servers while testing

Left-right comparison of this brances:
> 05cf81a (HEAD -> refactoring) Do not query live servers while testing
> 802df67 This project does not have Globals. We provide modules location via command line
> 95a704d Install missed module
> 3bc7958 Updated modules
> 5016343 Update to Mojolicious v9.31
> 8c8dbc0 Removed
> deecd9c Simplified code
> 53329f9 Removed A::SaveData module
> daad594 Typo fix
> 9fc16f6 Put simple functionality first
> a023d27 Issue warning when we are trying to load content into button
> 3928191 Hint type was changed: warning -> error
> a19a3ae BUGFIX: Do not scroll when a link button is pressed
> 5790dc8 Extended tests for button/input/link
> f83a68e Improved example message
> 5daa3ef Close modal when response was processed
> fa75d0e Implemented deprecation message about 'data-close-modal'
> 395ddf9 Do not close modal window when ESC is keypressed and there is not an active modal window
> e9ae2a3 Improved documentation
> ef069d7 Improved comment
> 1586539 Options should be on trigger element and not on target
> 3632554 Improved text for examples
> 5183551 Improved documentation for lazy_load
> aa25331 Improved examples for lazy loading
> a3b1bb2 Improved displayResponse
> 305ea24 Be more explecit about content
> 1ed3596 Pass target element explicitly
> 39470fb Moved code to its own function
> b2c417e Renamed: form -> triggerEl
= 2f235a5 Implement and reuse processResponse
= 31dc239 Added more logging and messages to user
= d169cf6 Remove useless parameter
= 9b58983 FIXED: html not defined
= 05f4206 Renamed: form -> containerEl
= 3ac9601 Removed outdated example
= 4263831 Renamed flag which controls how deal with new content: replace-form -> replace-me
= 50573a9 Improved text on example page
= 804922f Changed function name: give_name ->after_submit_handler_name
= 307203e Removed ajaxFormModal: No reason to duplicate code
= 62343cd Implemented tests for messages with different types
> 015bc3e Renamed: replace -> update
| = 46caa01 (modalnew) Implement and reuse processResponse
| = fe80807 Added more logging and messages to user
| = 90e76c0 Remove useless parameter
| = 8405d9e FIXED: html not defined
| = c7f6e55 Renamed: form -> containerEl
| = 068723b Removed outdated example
| = 0e8defa Renamed flag which controls how deal with new content: replace-form -> replace-me
| = 9cdaeb3 Improved text on example page
| = 1c0919e Changed function name: give_name ->after_submit_handler_name
| = c681ba1 Removed ajaxFormModal: No reason to duplicate code
| = d7792ad Implemented tests for messages with different types
| < d1bbaf5 Renamed: replace -> update
o aa81394 Tests were regroped by meaning

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