Thank you for filling out a Git bug report! Please answer the following questions to help us understand your issue. What did you do before the bug happened? (Steps to reproduce your issue) I configured my git repository to ignore case by executing `git config core.ignorecase true` then I executed `git pull` multiple times. What did you expect to happen? (Expected behavior) I expected the output of `git pull` to accurately tell me about new branches. What happened instead? (Actual behavior) The output from `git pull` repeatedly claims that remote branches that differ in casing only to my local ref are always considered "new" even when they exist locally and are in sync with the remote branch. What's different between what you expected and what actually happened? Here is one example from the output from `git pull`: * [new branch] bug/#30k8z31/fixing_affordable_merge_fields -> origin/bug/#30k8z31/fixing_affordable_merge_fields This is my local ref file: .git/refs/remotes/origin/Bug/#30k8z31/fixing_affordable_merge_fields The contents of my local ref is the same commit hash as the remote branch. Anything else you want to add: To me this seems like `git pull` is working as expected, but the output seems incorrect. This is problematic, because in the current repository there are hundreds of branches that generate this output so when `git pull` actually does have a problem it is very easy to miss. Please review the rest of the bug report below. You can delete any lines you don't wish to share. [System Info] git version: git version 2.40.0 cpu: arm64 no commit associated with this build sizeof-long: 8 sizeof-size_t: 8 shell-path: /bin/sh feature: fsmonitor--daemon uname: Darwin 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:28:23 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64 compiler info: clang: 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202) libc info: no libc information available $SHELL (typically, interactive shell): /opt/homebrew/bin/bash [Enabled Hooks]