There is this SOC 2011 idea named "Resumable clone" here: ... Currently cloning a remote repository has to be done in one session. If the process fails or is aborted for any reason any already downloaded data is lost and one has to start from scratch. There is also currently a bug where, after successfully loading all data during cloning, an failure in applying the data to the working directory leaves the repository in some unusable state. In this a normal clone behaves differently than a clone --no-checkout followed by checkout. Fixing this bug would also be part of this project. While not necessarily being part of this project fetch might also benefit from a resume mechanism. Goal: Allow Git to resume a cloning process that has been aborted for any reason. Languages: C ... Can I work on this idea for GSoC23? If so how should I get started? I have completed one of the microprojects by the way. Thanks, -- Khalid Masum