> That is very much working as designed. Yes, I realize. I'm not reporting a bug. I guess I just think it would be handy to more conveniently reach the prefetched updates when I'm offline, and I gather from conversation there is no method builtin to git. For now I've settled on this to be "pretend fetch": $ git for-each-ref refs/prefetch/ --format='update refs/%(refname:lstrip=2) (refname)' | git update-ref --stdin which I can follow-up with a no-argument `git rebase`, similar to a `git pull` if the remote was available. In my original question I had intended only to update the upstream of my current branch, but I've decided that's not necessary for me. However, I have found that it is possible to get the upstream reference for the current branch like so: $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name '@{upstream}' refs/remotes/origin/master using this it should be possible to find the corresponding prefetched reference in refs/prefetch if it exists and only update that reference without parsing "branch.<name>.remote", "remote.<name>.fetch", and "branch.<name>.merge" myself.