On 17/12/2022 01:58, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
On 12/15/22 18:38, Ulrich Windl wrote:
Here is how the conflict looks (to me both variants seem identical):
# pre-allocate translations and accesskeys
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
foreach my $attr (LD_SEARCH_ATTR) {
$attr{$attr} = [translate_attr($attr), undef];
$attr{$attr}->[1] = add_access_key($aks, 0, $attr{$attr}->[0]);
foreach my $attr (LD_SEARCH_ATTR) {
foreach my $attr (LD_SEARCH_ATTR) {
$attr{$attr} = [translate_attr($attr), undef];
$attr{$attr}->[1] = add_access_key($aks, 0, $attr{$attr}->[0]);
foreach my $attr (LD_SEARCH_ATTR) {
Stashed changes
@n = (P_P_SRCH_ATTR . $attr, @{$attr{$attr}});
Both sides are identical? You can freely choose either side...
But if both sides are identical then there should not be a conflict -
that is what Ulrich is asking about I think.
Best Wishes