Hi, I am using git shell aliases in config and was facing some weird error. The error is not reproducible in all runs and occurs randomly between runs...consider the minimal config(alias section) below for usage idea: [alias] A = "!f(){ \ ( \ // implementation git \"$1\"; \ ) 250<dir/tmp; \ }; f" B = "!f(){ \ ssh <server> <command>; \ }; f" C= "!f(){ \ git A B; \ }; f" when firing "git C" from shell,in some cases(not deterministically reproducible) i observed weird waitpid errors of the type : error: waitpid for f(){ ssh <server> <command>; }; f failed: No child processes fatal: while expanding alias 'B': 'f(){ ssh <server> <command>; }; f': No child processes error: waitpid for f(){ (//implementation; git "$1"; )250<dir/tmp; }; f failed: No child processes fatal: while expanding alias 'A': 'f(){ (//implementation; git "$1"; )250<dir/tmp; }; f': No child processes error: waitpid for f(){ git A B; }; f failed: No child processes fatal: while expanding alias 'C': 'f(){ git A B; }; f': No child processes can anyone please help as to what could possibly be the reason for this? Thanks, Shubham