[PATCH v2] embargoed releases: also describe the git-security list and the process

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From: Julia Ramer <gitprplr@xxxxxxxxx>

With the recent turnover on the git-security list, questions came up how
things are usually run. Rather than answering questions individually,
extend Git's existing documentation about security vulnerabilities to
describe the git-security mailing list, how things are run on that list,
and what to expect throughout the process from the time a security bug
is reported all the way to the time when a fix is released.

Signed-off-by: Julia Ramer <gitprplr@xxxxxxxxx>
    embargoed releases: also describe the git-security list and the process
    Changes since v1:
     * Fixed the build
     * Changed the wording based on various feedback

Published-As: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/releases/tag/pr-1345%2Fprplr%2Fupdate_embargo_doc-v2
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git pr-1345/prplr/update_embargo_doc-v2
Pull-Request: https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pull/1345

Range-diff vs v1:

 1:  4d187f897d6 ! 1:  766c92e9031 embargoed releases: also describe the git-security list and the process
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      + security releases.
      +The `git-security` mailing list
      +Responsible disclosures of vulnerabilities, analysis, proposed fixes as
      +well as the orchestration of coordinated embargoed releases all happen on the
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +embargo" refers to publishing the version that fixes the vulnerabilities.
      +Audience of the `git-security` mailing list
      +Anybody may contact the `git-security` mailing list by sending an email
      +to <git-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, though the archive is closed to the
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +If you are a stakeholder, it is a good idea to pay close attention to the
      +discussions, as pertinent information may be buried in the middle of a lively
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +agreements, assessments or timelines.
      +A bug's life: Typical timeline
      +- A bug is reported to the `git-security` mailing list.
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +  fork associated with the draft security advisory.
      +- Once the review has settled and everyone involved in the review agrees that
     -+  the patches are ready, the Git maintainer determines a release date as well
     -+  as the release trains that are serviced. The decision regarding which versions
     -+  need a backported fix is based on input from the reporter, the contributor who
     -+  worked on the patches, and from stakeholders (e.g. operators of hosting sites
     -+  who may want to analyze whether the given bug is exploited via any of the
     -+  repositories they host).
     ++  the patches are ready, the Git maintainer, and others determine a release date
     ++  as well as the release trains that are serviced. The decision regarding which
     ++  versions need a backported fix is based on input from the reporter, the
     ++  contributor who worked on the patches, and from stakeholders (e.g. operators
     ++  of hosting sites who may want to analyze whether the given bug is exploited
     ++  via any of the repositories they host).
     ++- While the Git community does its best to accommodate the specific timeline
     ++  requests of the various binary packagers, the nature of the issue may preclude
     ++  a prolonged release schedule. For fixes deemed urgent, it may be in the best
     ++  interest of the Git users community to shorten the disclosure and release
     ++  timeline, and packagers may need to adapt accordingly.
      +- Subsequently, branches with the fixes are pushed to private repositories that
      +  are owned by the Git project, with tightly controlled access.
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +- The tags are created by the Git maintainer and pushed to the same
      +  repositories.
     ++- The Git for Windows, Git for macOS, BSD, Debian, etc maintainers prepares the
     ++  corresponding release artifacts, based on the tags created that have been
     ++  prepared by the Git maintainer.
     ++- Git for Windows release artifacts are made available under embargo to
     ++  stakeholders via a mail to the `git-security` list.
      +- Less than a week before the release, a mail with the relevant information is
     -+  sent to <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below), a list used to pre-announce embargoed
     -+  releases of open source projects to the stakeholders of all major Linux
     -+  distributions. This includes a Git bundle of the tagged version(s), but no
     -+  further specifics of the vulnerability.
     ++  sent to <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below), a list used to pre-announce
     ++  embargoed releases of open source projects to the stakeholders of all major
     ++  Linux distributions. This includes a Git bundle of the tagged version(s), but
     ++  no further specifics of the vulnerability.
      +- Public communication is then prepared in advance of the release date. This
      +  includes blog posts and mails to the Git and Git for Windows mailing lists.
     -+- The Git for Windows maintainer prepares the corresponding release artifacts,
     -+  based on the tags created that have been prepared by the Git maintainer.
     -+- Git for Windows release artifacts are made available under embargo to
     -+  stakeholders via a mail to the `git-security` list.
      +- On the day of the release, at around 10am Pacific Time, the Git maintainer
      +  pushes the tag and the `master` branch to the public repository, then sends
      +  out an announcement mail.
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
      +- Git for Windows release is then announced via a mail to the public Git and
      +  Git for Windows mailing lists as well as via a tweet.
     -+- A mail to <oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below for details) is sent as a
     -+  follow-up to the <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> one, describing the vulnerability in
     -+  detail, often including a proof of concept of an exploit.
     ++- Ditto for Linux distribution packagers: their releases are announced via
     ++  their preferred channels.
     ++- A mail to <oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below for details) is sent
     ++  as a follow-up to the <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> one, describing the
     ++  vulnerability in detail, often including a proof of concept of an exploit.
      +Note: The Git project makes no guarantees about timelines, but aims to keep
      +embargoes reasonably short in the interest of keeping Git's users safe.
       How we coordinate embargoed releases
     - ====================================
     -@@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: what Operating System or distribution they run.
     - Open a Security Advisory draft
     - ------------------------------
     + To protect Git users from critical vulnerabilities, we do not just release
     + fixed versions like regular maintenance releases. Instead, we coordinate
     +@@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: date. That way, users will have a chance to upgrade on that date, no matter
     + what Operating System or distribution they run.
     + Open a Security Advisory draft
      -The first step is to https://github.com/git/git/security/advisories/new[open an
      -advisory]. Technically, it is not necessary, but it is convenient and saves a
      -bit of hassle. This advisory can also be used to obtain the CVE number and it
      -will give us a private fork associated with it that can be used to collaborate
      -on a fix.
      -Release date of the embargoed version
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: what Operating System or
      +associated with it that can be used to collaborate on a fix.
       Notifying the Linux distributions
     - ---------------------------------
       At most two weeks before release date, we need to send a notification to
      -distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, preferably less than 7 days before the release date.
     @@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: what Operating System or
       This will reach most (all?) Linux distributions. See an example below, and the
       guidelines for this mailing list at
     +@@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: created using a command like this:
     + 	tar cJvf cve-xxx.bundle.tar.xz cve-xxx.bundle
     + Example mail to distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     + ....
     + To: distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     +@@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: Thanks,
     + ....
     + Example mail to oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     + ....
     + To: oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     +@@ Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt: it goes to <developer>.
     + Thanks,
     + <name>
     + \ No newline at end of file

 .../howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt   | 165 +++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt b/Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
index 601aae88e9a..a01398c82b5 100644
--- a/Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
+++ b/Documentation/howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,134 @@
 Content-type: text/asciidoc
-Abstract: When a critical vulnerability is discovered and fixed, we follow this
- script to coordinate a public release.
+Abstract: When a vulnerability is reported, we follow these guidelines to
+ assess the vulnerability, create and review a fix, and coordinate embargoed
+ security releases.
+The `git-security` mailing list
+Responsible disclosures of vulnerabilities, analysis, proposed fixes as
+well as the orchestration of coordinated embargoed releases all happen on the
+`git-security` mailing list at <git-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.
+In this context, the term "embargo" refers to the time period that information
+about a vulnerability is kept under wraps and only shared on a need-to-know
+basis. This is necessary to protect Git's users from bad actors who would
+otherwise be made aware of attack vectors that could be exploited. "Lifting the
+embargo" refers to publishing the version that fixes the vulnerabilities.
+Audience of the `git-security` mailing list
+Anybody may contact the `git-security` mailing list by sending an email
+to <git-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, though the archive is closed to the
+public and only accessible to subscribed members.
+There are a few dozen subscribed members: core Git developers who are trusted
+with addressing vulnerabilities, and stakeholders (i.e. owners of products
+affected by security vulnerabilities in Git).
+Most of the discussions revolve around assessing the severity of the reported
+bugs (including the decision whether the report is security-relevant or can be
+redirected to the public mailing list), how to remediate the bug, determining
+the timeline of the disclosure as well as aligning priorities and
+If you are a stakeholder, it is a good idea to pay close attention to the
+discussions, as pertinent information may be buried in the middle of a lively
+conversation that might not look relevant to your interests. For example, the
+tentative timeline might be agreed upon in the middle of discussing code
+comment formatting in one of the patches and whether or not to combine fixes
+for multiple, separate vulnerabilities into the same embargoed release. Most
+mail threads are not usually structured specifically to communicate
+agreements, assessments or timelines.
+A bug's life: Typical timeline
+- A bug is reported to the `git-security` mailing list.
+- Within a couple of days, someone from the core Git team responds with an
+  initial assessment of the bug’s severity.
+- Other core developers - including the Git maintainer - chime in.
+- After discussion, if consensus is reached that the bug is not critical enough
+  to warrant any embargo, the reporter is redirected to the public Git mailing
+  list. This ends the reporter's interaction with the `git-security` list.
+- If the bug is critical enough for an embargo, ideas are presented on how to
+  address the vulnerability.
+- Usually around that time, the Git maintainer or their delegate(s) open a draft
+  security advisory in the `git/git` repository on GitHub (see below for more
+  details).
+- Depending on the preferences of the involved contributors and reviewers, code
+  review then happens either on the `git-security` mailing list or in a private
+  fork associated with the draft security advisory.
+- Once the review has settled and everyone involved in the review agrees that
+  the patches are ready, the Git maintainer, and others determine a release date
+  as well as the release trains that are serviced. The decision regarding which
+  versions need a backported fix is based on input from the reporter, the
+  contributor who worked on the patches, and from stakeholders (e.g. operators
+  of hosting sites who may want to analyze whether the given bug is exploited
+  via any of the repositories they host).
+- While the Git community does its best to accommodate the specific timeline
+  requests of the various binary packagers, the nature of the issue may preclude
+  a prolonged release schedule. For fixes deemed urgent, it may be in the best
+  interest of the Git users community to shorten the disclosure and release
+  timeline, and packagers may need to adapt accordingly.
+- Subsequently, branches with the fixes are pushed to private repositories that
+  are owned by the Git project, with tightly controlled access.
+- The tags are created by the Git maintainer and pushed to the same
+  repositories.
+- The Git for Windows, Git for macOS, BSD, Debian, etc maintainers prepares the
+  corresponding release artifacts, based on the tags created that have been
+  prepared by the Git maintainer.
+- Git for Windows release artifacts are made available under embargo to
+  stakeholders via a mail to the `git-security` list.
+- Less than a week before the release, a mail with the relevant information is
+  sent to <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below), a list used to pre-announce
+  embargoed releases of open source projects to the stakeholders of all major
+  Linux distributions. This includes a Git bundle of the tagged version(s), but
+  no further specifics of the vulnerability.
+- Public communication is then prepared in advance of the release date. This
+  includes blog posts and mails to the Git and Git for Windows mailing lists.
+- On the day of the release, at around 10am Pacific Time, the Git maintainer
+  pushes the tag and the `master` branch to the public repository, then sends
+  out an announcement mail.
+- Once the tag is pushed, the Git for Windows maintainer publishes the
+  corresponding tag and creates a GitHub Release with the associated release
+  artifacts (Git for Windows installer, Portable Git, MinGit, etc).
+- Git for Windows release is then announced via a mail to the public Git and
+  Git for Windows mailing lists as well as via a tweet.
+- Ditto for Linux distribution packagers: their releases are announced via
+  their preferred channels.
+- A mail to <oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (see below for details) is sent
+  as a follow-up to the <distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> one, describing the
+  vulnerability in detail, often including a proof of concept of an exploit.
+Note: The Git project makes no guarantees about timelines, but aims to keep
+embargoes reasonably short in the interest of keeping Git's users safe.
 How we coordinate embargoed releases
 To protect Git users from critical vulnerabilities, we do not just release
 fixed versions like regular maintenance releases. Instead, we coordinate
@@ -12,32 +137,18 @@ date. That way, users will have a chance to upgrade on that date, no matter
 what Operating System or distribution they run.
 Open a Security Advisory draft
-The first step is to https://github.com/git/git/security/advisories/new[open an
-advisory]. Technically, it is not necessary, but it is convenient and saves a
-bit of hassle. This advisory can also be used to obtain the CVE number and it
-will give us a private fork associated with it that can be used to collaborate
-on a fix.
-Release date of the embargoed version
-If the vulnerability affects Windows users, we want to have our friends over at
-Visual Studio on board. This means we need to target a "Patch Tuesday" (i.e. a
-second Tuesday of the month), at the minimum three weeks from heads-up to
-coordinated release.
-If the vulnerability affects the server side, or can benefit from scans on the
-server side (i.e. if `git fsck` can detect an attack), it is important to give
-all involved Git repository hosting sites enough time to scan all of those
+The first step is to https://github.com/git/git/security/advisories/new[open
+an advisory]. Technically, this is not necessary. However, it is the most
+convenient way to obtain the CVE number and it give us a private repository
+associated with it that can be used to collaborate on a fix.
 Notifying the Linux distributions
 At most two weeks before release date, we need to send a notification to
-distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, preferably less than 7 days before the release date.
+<distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, preferably less than 7 days before the release date.
 This will reach most (all?) Linux distributions. See an example below, and the
 guidelines for this mailing list at
@@ -65,7 +176,7 @@ created using a command like this:
 	tar cJvf cve-xxx.bundle.tar.xz cve-xxx.bundle
 Example mail to distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 To: distros@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@@ -101,7 +212,7 @@ Thanks,
 Example mail to oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 To: oss-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@@ -128,4 +239,4 @@ it goes to <developer>.
\ No newline at end of file

base-commit: e72d93e88cb20b06e88e6e7d81bd1dc4effe453f

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