[filter-repo PATCH] contrib: new tool to convert svn:externals to Git submodules

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This is meant to be a post-processing step after SVN-to-Git conversion
by SubGit (https://subgit.com/), which creates a ".gitsvnextmodules"
file that we will use for svn:externals conversion.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heidelberg <markus.heidelberg@xxxxxx>

The SVN-to-Git mapping file format might have to be changed in the
future when implementing other features, don't know yet. At least I
wanted to publish this script now that the basics work. Maybe there are
even some other late-adopters for whose this script might still be

I'm eager for hints where descriptions/comments are confusing or

This script was already used for migration of an SVN repository in our

Relates to https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/issues/14

 contrib/filter-repo-demos/README.md           |   1 +
 .../filter-repo-demos/convert-svnexternals    | 587 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 588 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 contrib/filter-repo-demos/convert-svnexternals

diff --git a/contrib/filter-repo-demos/README.md b/contrib/filter-repo-demos/README.md
index ef021b1..9612428 100644
--- a/contrib/filter-repo-demos/README.md
+++ b/contrib/filter-repo-demos/README.md
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ lint-history         |Run some lint command on all non-binary files in history.
 clean-ignore         |Delete files from history which match current gitignore rules.
 filter-lamely (or filter&#8209;branch&#8209;ish) |A nearly bug compatible re-implementation of filter-branch (the git testsuite passes using it instead of filter-branch), with some performance tricks to make it several times faster (though it's still glacially slow compared to filter-repo).
 bfg-ish              |A re-implementation of most of BFG Repo Cleaner, with new features and bug fixes.
+convert-svnexternals |Insert Git submodules according to SVN externals.

 ## Purpose

diff --git a/contrib/filter-repo-demos/convert-svnexternals b/contrib/filter-repo-demos/convert-svnexternals
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c81507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/filter-repo-demos/convert-svnexternals
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This is a program that will insert Git submodules according to SVN externals
+definitions (svn:externals properties) from the original Subversion repository
+throughout the history.
+Information about the externals is obtained from the ".gitsvnextmodules" file
+created during SVN-to-Git conversion by SubGit (https://subgit.com/). Its
+config option "translate.externals=true" had to be used therefore.
+Actual modifications:
+- Insert gitlinks (mode 160000) into the tree.
+- Add .gitmodules file with relevant sections.
+- Remove sections converted to submodules from .gitsvnextmodules file
+  and delete it if empty.
+.gitsvnextmodules example:
+[submodule "somedir/extdir"]
+	path = somedir/extdir
+	owner = somedir
+	url = https://svn.example.com/somesvnrepo/trunk
+	revision = 1234
+	branch = /
+	fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
+	remote = svn
+	type = dir
+Resulting addition in "somedir" tree (cat-file pretty-print format):
+160000 commit 1234123412341234123412341234123412341234	extdir
+Resulting .gitmodules entry:
+[submodule "somedir/extdir"]
+	path = somedir/extdir
+	url = https://git.example.com/somegitrepo.git
+SVN-to-Git mapping file:
+Can be created from SubGit's "refs/svn/map".
+One line per mapping in following format:
+<svn url> TAB <svn rev> TAB <git url> TAB <git commit> TAB <state>
+- Leading '#' can be used for comments.
+- <svn url> must not contain a trailing slash.
+- <state> has to be "commit" to be usable, but can be "missing" if <git commit>
+  does not exist in the repository anymore. Adopted from git-cat-file output.
+https://svn.example.com/somesvnrepo/trunk	1234	https://git.example.com/somegitrepo.git	1234123412341234123412341234123412341234	commit
+- Repeatedly added/removed externals will be handled properly.
+- Externals replaced by directly added files and vice versa will be handled
+  properly.
+- This script must NOT be run repeatedly. A second invocation would lead to a
+  different result in case the externals could only be converted partially.
+- Inconsistent SVN repositories (with failing checkout) not handled, i.e.
+  - normal directory and external with the same path
+  - external path not existing for the given revision
+- No attention was paid to non-ASCII and special characters in gitlink paths,
+  might cause problems.
+- There is no error handling for mandatory options missing in .gitsvnextmodules
+  file. The script would crash in case of such buggy files, but that shouldn't
+  happen in practice.
+- Add external files directly.
+- Alternatively add external directories directly instead of using a submodule.
+Please see the
+near the top of git-filter-repo.
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import configparser
+from urllib.parse import urlsplit
+  import git_filter_repo as fr
+except ImportError:
+  raise SystemExit("Error: Couldn't find git_filter_repo.py.  Did you forget to make a symlink to git-filter-repo named git_filter_repo.py or did you forget to put the latter in your PYTHONPATH?")
+svn_root_url = ""
+svn_git_mappings = []
+def parse_args():
+  """
+  Parse and return arguments for this script.
+  Also do some argument sanity checks and adaptions.
+  """
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+      description="Add Git submodules according to svn:externals from .gitsvnextmodules. "
+                  "As preparation for this conversion process, an analysis can be performed.")
+  parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
+      help="Rewrite repository history even if the current repo does not "
+           "look like a fresh clone.")
+  parser.add_argument('--refs', nargs='+',
+      help="Limit history rewriting to the specified refs. Option is directly "
+           "forwarded to git-filter-repo, see there for details and caveats. "
+           "Use for debugging purposes only!")
+  parser.add_argument('--svn-root-url',
+      help="Root URL of the corresponding SVN repository, "
+           "needed for conversion of relative to absolute external URLs.")
+  analysis = parser.add_argument_group(title="Analysis")
+  analysis.add_argument('--analyze', action='store_true',
+      help="Analyze repository history and create auxiliary files for conversion process.")
+  analysis.add_argument('--report-dir', type=os.fsencode,
+      help="Directory to write report, defaults to GIT_DIR/filter-repo/svnexternals, "
+           "refuses to run if exists, --force delete existing dir first.")
+  conversion = parser.add_argument_group(title="Conversion")
+  conversion.add_argument('--svn-git-mapfiles', type=os.fsencode, nargs='+', metavar='MAPFILE',
+      help="Files with SVN-to-Git revision mappings for SVN externals conversion.")
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  if args.analyze and args.svn_git_mapfiles:
+    raise SystemExit("Error: --svn-git-mapfiles makes no sense with --analyze.")
+  if not args.analyze and not args.svn_git_mapfiles:
+    raise SystemExit("Error: --svn-git-mapfiles is required for the conversion process.")
+  return args
+def read_mappings(mapfiles):
+  """
+  Read files with SVN-to-Git mappings and return a list of mappings from it.
+  """
+  mappings = []
+  for mapfile in mapfiles:
+    with open(mapfile, "rb") as f:
+      for line in f:
+        line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
+        # Skip blank and comment lines
+        if not line or line.startswith(b'#'):
+          continue
+        # Convert to string for use with configparser later
+        line = line.decode()
+        # Parse the line
+        fields = line.split('\t', 4)
+        mapping = {'svn_url': fields[0],
+                   'svn_rev': int(fields[1]),
+                   'git_url': fields[2],
+                   'git_commit': fields[3],
+                   'state': fields[4]}
+        mappings.append(mapping)
+  return mappings
+cat_file_process = None
+def parse_config(blob_id):
+  """
+  Create a configparser object for a .gitsvnextmodules/.gitmodules file from
+  its blob ID.
+  """
+  parsed_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+  if blob_id is not None:
+    # Get the blob contents
+    cat_file_process.stdin.write(blob_id + b'\n')
+    cat_file_process.stdin.flush()
+    objhash, objtype, objsize = cat_file_process.stdout.readline().split()
+    contents_plus_newline = cat_file_process.stdout.read(int(objsize)+1)
+    # Parse it
+    parsed_config.read_string(contents_plus_newline.decode())
+  return parsed_config
+def create_blob(parsed_config):
+  """
+  Create a filter-repo blob object from a .gitsvnextmodules/.gitmodules
+  configparser object according to Git config style.
+  """
+  lines = []
+  for sec in parsed_config.sections():
+    lines.append("[" + sec + "]\n")
+    for opt in parsed_config.options(sec):
+      lines.append("\t" + opt + " = " + parsed_config[sec][opt] + "\n")
+  return fr.Blob(''.join(lines).encode())
+def get_git_url(svn_url):
+  """
+  Get the Git URL for a corresponding SVN URL.
+  """
+  for entry in svn_git_mappings:
+    if entry['svn_url'] == svn_url:
+      return entry['git_url']
+  else:
+    return None
+def get_git_commit_hash(svn_url, svn_rev):
+  """
+  Get the Git commit hash for its corresponding SVN URL+revision.
+  The mapping is not restricted to the exact revision, but also uses the next
+  lower revision found. Needed when the revision was set to that of the root
+  URL instead of to that of the specific subdirectory (e.g. trunk). TortoiseSVN
+  behaves so when setting the external to HEAD.
+  """
+  ent = None
+  rev = 0
+  for entry in svn_git_mappings:
+    if (entry['svn_url'] == svn_url
+          and entry['svn_rev'] <= svn_rev
+          and entry['svn_rev'] > rev):
+      ent = entry
+      rev = entry['svn_rev']
+  if ent is not None and ent['state'] == "commit":
+    return ent['git_commit']
+  else:
+    return None
+def get_absolute_svn_url(svnext_url, svn_root_url):
+  """
+  Convert a relative svn:externals URL to an absolute one.
+  If the format is unsupported, return the URL unchanged with success=False.
+  If no root URL is given or the URL is absolute already, return it unchanged.
+  In all cases, even if returned "unchanged", trailing slashes are removed.
+  """
+  # Remove trailing slash(es)
+  svnext_url = svnext_url.rstrip("/")
+  svn_root_url = svn_root_url.rstrip("/")
+  # Normalize URLs in relative format
+  svn_root_parsed = urlsplit(svn_root_url)
+  if svnext_url.startswith(("../", "^/../")): # unsupported
+    return (False, svnext_url)
+  elif not svn_root_url:
+    pass # unchanged
+  elif svnext_url.startswith("^/"):
+    svnext_url = svn_root_url + svnext_url[1:]
+  elif svnext_url.startswith("//"):
+    svnext_url = svn_root_parsed.scheme + ":" + svnext_url
+  elif svnext_url.startswith("/"):
+    svnext_url = svn_root_parsed.scheme + "://" + svn_root_parsed.netloc + svnext_url
+  return True, svnext_url
+def add_submodule_tree_entry(commit, parsed_config, section):
+  """
+  Add a submodule entry to the tree of a Git commit.
+  SVN externals information obtained from parsed .gitsvnextmodules file.
+  """
+  # Skip type=file (SVN file external), not possible as submodule
+  if parsed_config[section]['type'] != 'dir':
+    return False
+  success, svn_url = get_absolute_svn_url(parsed_config[section]['url'], svn_root_url)
+  # Skip unsupported URL format
+  if not success:
+    return False
+  # Get SVN revision
+  if parsed_config.has_option(section, 'revision'):
+    svn_rev = int(parsed_config[section]['revision'])
+  else:
+    # TODO: revision has to be guessed according to commit timestamp, skip for now
+    return False
+  # SVN url+revision mapping to Git commit
+  git_hash = get_git_commit_hash(svn_url, svn_rev)
+  # Skip missing or unusable mapping
+  if git_hash is None:
+    return False
+  git_hash = git_hash.encode()
+  dirname = parsed_config[section]['path'].encode()
+  # Add gitlink to tree
+  commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'M', dirname, git_hash, b'160000'))
+  return True
+def get_commit_map_path():
+  """
+  Return path to commit-map file.
+  """
+  git_dir = fr.GitUtils.determine_git_dir(b'.')
+  return os.path.join(git_dir, b'filter-repo', b'commit-map')
+def parse_commit_map(commit_map_file):
+  """
+  Parse commit-map file and return a dictionary.
+  """
+  parsed_map = {}
+  with open(commit_map_file, "rb") as f:
+    for line in f:
+      line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n')
+      # Skip blank lines
+      if not line:
+        continue
+      # Store old/new commits, also the "old"/"new" header in the first line
+      old, new = line.split()
+      parsed_map[old] = new
+  return parsed_map
+def merge_commit_maps(old_commit_map, new_commit_map):
+  """
+  Merge old and new commit-map by omitting intermediate commits.
+  Return the merged dictionary.
+  """
+  merged_map = {}
+  for (key, old_val) in old_commit_map.items():
+    new_val = new_commit_map[old_val] if old_val in new_commit_map else old_val
+    merged_map[key] = new_val
+  return merged_map
+def write_commit_map(commit_map, commit_map_file):
+  """
+  Write commit-map dictionary to file.
+  """
+  with open(commit_map_file, 'wb') as f:
+    for (old, new) in commit_map.items():
+      f.write(b'%-40s %s\n' % (old, new))
+def create_report_dir(args):
+  """
+  Create the directory for analysis report.
+  """
+  if args.report_dir:
+    reportdir = args.report_dir
+  else:
+    git_dir = fr.GitUtils.determine_git_dir(b'.')
+  # Create the report directory as necessary
+    results_tmp_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, b'filter-repo')
+    if not os.path.isdir(results_tmp_dir):
+      os.mkdir(results_tmp_dir)
+    reportdir = os.path.join(results_tmp_dir, b'svnexternals')
+  if os.path.isdir(reportdir):
+    if args.force:
+      sys.stdout.write("Warning: Removing recursively: \"%s\"" % fr.decode(reportdir))
+      shutil.rmtree(reportdir)
+    else:
+      sys.stdout.write("Error: dir already exists (use --force to delete): \"%s\"\n" % fr.decode(reportdir))
+      sys.exit(1)
+  os.mkdir(reportdir)
+  return reportdir
+analysis = {'dir_ext_orig': [],
+            'dir_ext_abs': [],
+            'file_ext_orig': [],
+            'file_ext_abs': []}
+def write_analysis(reportdir):
+  """
+  Prepare analysis and write it to files in report directory.
+  """
+  analysis['dir_ext_orig'].sort()
+  analysis['dir_ext_abs'].sort()
+  analysis['file_ext_orig'].sort()
+  analysis['file_ext_abs'].sort()
+  sys.stdout.write("Writing reports to %s..." % fr.decode(reportdir))
+  sys.stdout.flush()
+  with open(os.path.join(reportdir, b"dir-externals-original.txt"), 'wb') as f:
+    for url in analysis['dir_ext_orig']:
+      f.write(("%s\n" % url).encode())
+  with open(os.path.join(reportdir, b"dir-externals-absolute.txt"), 'wb') as f:
+    for url in analysis['dir_ext_abs']:
+      f.write(("%s\n" % url).encode())
+  with open(os.path.join(reportdir, b"file-externals-original.txt"), 'wb') as f:
+    for url in analysis['file_ext_orig']:
+      f.write(("%s\n" % url).encode())
+  with open(os.path.join(reportdir, b"file-externals-absolute.txt"), 'wb') as f:
+    for url in analysis['file_ext_abs']:
+      f.write(("%s\n" % url).encode())
+  sys.stdout.write("done.\n")
+def analyze_externals(commit, metadata):
+  """
+  Generate/extend analysis of SVN externals for a Git commit.
+  Used as filter-repo commit callback.
+  """
+  for change in commit.file_changes:
+    if change.filename == b'.gitsvnextmodules' and change.type == b'M':
+      gitsvnextmodules = parse_config(change.blob_id)
+      for sec in gitsvnextmodules.sections():
+        url = gitsvnextmodules[sec]['url']
+        success, abs_url = get_absolute_svn_url(url, svn_root_url)
+        # List of svn:externals URLs, also add the URL to the absolute list if
+        # conversion was not successful
+        if gitsvnextmodules[sec]['type'] == 'dir':
+          if url not in analysis['dir_ext_orig']:
+            analysis['dir_ext_orig'].append(url)
+          if abs_url not in analysis['dir_ext_abs']:
+            analysis['dir_ext_abs'].append(abs_url)
+        else:
+          if url not in analysis['file_ext_orig']:
+            analysis['file_ext_orig'].append(url)
+          if abs_url not in analysis['file_ext_abs']:
+            analysis['file_ext_abs'].append(abs_url)
+def insert_submodules(commit, metadata):
+  """
+  Insert submodules for a Git commit.
+  Used as filter-repo commit callback.
+  Since .gitsvnextmodules just contains the svn:externals state for the given
+  commit, we cannot derive specific changes from that file.
+  So we can only add/modify the gitlinks according to .gitsvnextmodules
+  (without knowing whether adding a new or modifying an existing or even
+  "modifying" an unchanged submodule, but none of that really matters).
+  We do not have information about deleted externals, those will be handled in
+  a separate filter run afterwards.
+  The .gitmodules file however will already be correct in this function because
+  we don't need to know about specific changes to add, modify or delete it.
+  """
+  for change in commit.file_changes:
+    if change.filename == b'.gitsvnextmodules' and change.type in (b'M', b'D'):
+      gitsvnextmodules = parse_config(change.blob_id)
+      gitmodules = configparser.ConfigParser()
+      # Add gitlinks to the tree and prepare .gitmodules file content
+      for sec in gitsvnextmodules.sections():
+        if add_submodule_tree_entry(commit, gitsvnextmodules, sec):
+          # Gitlink added
+          # -> Add this entry to .gitmodules as well
+          # Create the section name string manually, do not rely on
+          # .gitsvnextmodules to always use the proper section name.
+          sec_name = 'submodule "' + gitsvnextmodules[sec]['path'] + '"'
+          gitmodules[sec_name] = {}
+          # submodule.<name>.path
+          gitmodules[sec_name]['path'] = gitsvnextmodules[sec]['path']
+          # submodule.<name>.url
+          success, svn_url = get_absolute_svn_url(gitsvnextmodules[sec]['url'], svn_root_url)
+          git_url = get_git_url(svn_url)
+          if git_url is not None:
+            gitmodules[sec_name]['url'] = git_url
+          else:
+            # Abort, but this will not happen in practice, catched in
+            # add_submodule_tree_entry() via get_git_commit_hash() already.
+            raise SystemExit("Error: No Git URL found in mapping although a commit hash could be found.")
+      # Write blob and adapt tree for .gitmodules
+      if gitmodules.sections():
+        # Create a blob object from the content and add it to the tree.
+        blob = create_blob(gitmodules)
+        filter.insert(blob)
+        commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'M', b'.gitmodules', blob.id, b'100644'))
+      else:
+        # Delete the file, even if a "git rm" of all submodules keeps it empty.
+        commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'D', b'.gitmodules'))
+def delete_submodules(commit, metadata):
+  """
+  Delete submodules from a Git commit.
+  Used as filter-repo commit callback.
+  Delete all submodules (inserted in the previous filter run) without an entry
+  in .gitsvnextmodules, these were real deletions of externals, which couldn't
+  be detected before.
+  Only the tree entries have to be removed because the .gitmodules file is
+  already in correct state from previous filter run.
+  """
+  for change in commit.file_changes:
+    if change.filename == b'.gitsvnextmodules' and change.type in (b'M', b'D'):
+      gitsvnextmodules = parse_config(change.blob_id)
+      # Search for all submodules in the tree
+      output = subprocess.check_output('git ls-tree -d -r -z'.split() + [commit.original_id])
+      for line in output.split(b'\x00'):
+        if not line:
+          continue
+        mode_objtype_objid, dirname = line.split(b'\t', 1)
+        mode, objtype, objid = mode_objtype_objid.split(b' ')
+        if mode == b'160000' and objtype == b'commit':
+          # Submodule found
+          # -> Delete it if there is no corresponding entry in
+          #    .gitsvnextmodules, keep/reinsert it otherwise
+          for sec in gitsvnextmodules.sections():
+            if gitsvnextmodules[sec]['path'].encode() == dirname:
+              # Reinsert it, might have been deleted in previous commits
+              if add_submodule_tree_entry(commit, gitsvnextmodules, sec):
+                # And remove the config section because this external has been
+                # converted
+                gitsvnextmodules.remove_section(sec)
+                break
+          else:
+            # Delete it
+            commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'D', dirname))
+      # Rewrite .gitsvnextmodules to contain the unhandled externals only,
+      # delete it if empty (all externals converted).
+      if gitsvnextmodules.sections():
+        # Create a blob object from the content and replace the original one.
+        blob = create_blob(gitsvnextmodules)
+        filter.insert(blob)
+        change.blob_id = blob.id
+      else:
+        if change.type == b'M':
+          # File became empty, delete it
+          commit.file_changes.append(fr.FileChange(b'D', b'.gitsvnextmodules'))
+          break # avoid endless for loop
+        #else:
+          # File was empty already, delete command already present in stream
+my_args = parse_args()
+# Use passed URL without trailing slash(es)
+if my_args.svn_root_url:
+  svn_root_url = my_args.svn_root_url.rstrip("/")
+# Arguments forwarded to filter-repo
+extra_args = []
+if my_args.force:
+  extra_args = ['--force']
+if my_args.refs:
+  extra_args += ['--refs'] + my_args.refs
+cat_file_process = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch'],
+                                    stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
+                                    stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+if my_args.analyze:
+  # Analysis
+  reportdir = create_report_dir(my_args)
+  fr_args = fr.FilteringOptions.parse_args(['--dry-run']
+                                           + extra_args)
+  filter = fr.RepoFilter(fr_args, commit_callback=analyze_externals)
+  filter.run()
+  write_analysis(reportdir)
+  # Conversion
+  svn_git_mappings = read_mappings(my_args.svn_git_mapfiles)
+  # There are no references to commit hashes in commit messages because this
+  # script runs on a Git repository converted from a Subversion repository.
+  fr_args = fr.FilteringOptions.parse_args(['--preserve-commit-hashes',
+                                            '--preserve-commit-encoding',
+                                            '--replace-refs', 'update-no-add']
+                                           + extra_args)
+  filter = fr.RepoFilter(fr_args, commit_callback=insert_submodules)
+  filter.run()
+  # Store commit-map after first run
+  first_commit_map = parse_commit_map(get_commit_map_path())
+  filter = fr.RepoFilter(fr_args, commit_callback=delete_submodules)
+  filter.run()
+  # Update commit-map after second run, based on original IDs
+  second_commit_map = parse_commit_map(get_commit_map_path())
+  merged_commit_map = merge_commit_maps(first_commit_map, second_commit_map)
+  write_commit_map(merged_commit_map, get_commit_map_path())

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